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Payakan had come, and given news that he lost the aircraft and boats north of here.
   It wasn't hard to guess where they could be, though. All straight ahead in the same direction home was, and where bridgehead resided.

So here everyone was, packing up and preparing to go help your old home before they were made targets, too.

Norm says, breaking the silence. "-we gotta head out."

You're sitting on the far end of your Marui when he walks in, feeling dejected and helpless.
   Despite all the precautions and planning, you couldn't prevent your children from being taken.

He takes note of the silence, and how unwilling you are to move.
"-I've got your Ikran set up for you."

You don't even acknowledge his words at first, still mourning how this has happened again. Despite every precaution, every little detail, you failed your children.

Tuk doesn't seem to keen on moving either, wrapped around your leg as you hold her so close.

You hug her tightly, not ready to let go.

His footsteps come closer as he kneels down behind you, and places a hand on top of you and Tuk's heads, rubbing them gently.
  "I know you're not feeling well... but, we do need to head out. Garvin is staying behind with Max to help here, and Bert is going to help us once we reach High Camp."

"I don't think I can fly today, Norm." You barely speak out loud enough.

"Okay, we can set up Arohk."
   He isn't too surprised, he expected something like this.
"-He will follow Bob.
I'll help you get on with Jake."

You haven't the heart to tell him how bad things got last night.

Lia walks in then, and calls for Tuk as she decides she wants to take her along for a change.

It's only after she leaves that you turn to Norm finally.
   "We aren't talking right now, actually."
Not wanting to burden Tuk or Da'mik with such things.

And norms brows furrow together in disappointment. It's never been that bad before.

"Oh." He simply expresses.. not wanting to push.
"Well, Come on.
I'll take you."

You nod, grateful for his support.

He offers a hand, and you follow shortly behind before leaning against his Ikran.

Everyone else taking their last minute to make sure everything is secure and in place.

Norm goes to talk to Jake for you, thankfully... and although Jake spares you a look, you don't let it stand for long as you turn around and help yourself on top of Norm's Ikran.

He lets it go for now, but he wants to make things right after you've both had a moment to breathe.

It doesn't take Norm long to return, and before you know it - everyone's set off and miles away from either home.

"You want to talk about it?" Norms voice finally calls, and you barely move upon realizing you had fallen asleep.

"He thinks going back home for that mission caused all of this." You explain with a saddened monotone. "I tried to argue it... but; maybe he was right. Maybe we should not have gone."

You can feel the way Norms shoulders sink, and he turns his head ever so slightly to look in Jake's direction.

He has Da'mik riding with him, and who knows what they're discussing as Da'mik moves his hands around in great gestures.

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