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Jake seems to have wandered off on his own for a bit.
Taking the time he needed to really think out all of this before he sought out Tonowari.

He's a little surprised when he does — seeing that he's alone, sitting on a lower level of the walkable pathways.

Jake takes his time coming up to him - approaching slowly as to not alert his friend. He grabs for a rope as he drops down beside him, and sits down next to him.

Tonowari is staring up into the darkening sky with his arms on his knees, and the balls of his feet balancing his crouched stance with his tail.

Jake's never seen that look in his Olo'eyktan's face before, not even when the Tulkun were first being hunted.

"What's on your mind?" Jake dares to ask, not knowing just how easily Tonowari might be open to sharing at the moment.

"Sky people." He shortly answers as his head tilts to the side a bit, and the tattoos on his brow bone press together in worry.
"I know they will come again."

Jake is understandably relieved to hear the acknowledgment— already having fought with the omatikaya for so long, begging them to acknowledge that these people do not give up, ever.
It took an invasion and forest fire for them to finally believe him.

But not this time, not with his new home.
They were preparing themselves as best they could mentally or physically.

This, right here - is a reason Jake knew Tonowari would be a good person to seek refuge with.

"Now... it is different." Tonowari expresses with a saddened tone. Frustrated, even.

It doesn't take much for Jake to pick up on the tone, and his own ears flatten out as he sighs in a joined feeling.

Their new baby.

Before, Tsireya and Aonung were his only - slowly climbing their way up and already starting their paths to adulthood.

Something this poor child wouldn't reach for years on end, and Jake's lips purse together as he bears the pain of exposing this poor child to war.

Before they arrived, Tonowaris family were safe.

Even if only for a bit while longer, seeing as the RDA might one day reach a point where they'd come for any clan they could.

And Jake certainly hopes it doesn't come to that.

"My family..." Jake hesitates to respond, unsure how his response would come off as. "...we will do what we must to protect yours. There is nothing that we wouldn't do for your kids."

Jake would never shed himself of the heavy guilt, constantly regretting his decision to come here.
Too many what ifs.
Would Niikeym still be here?
Would more children of his have died if they decided to stay?
Would they all be okay?

Tonowaris head bows for a small instance, and his ears fold in that same moment.
   His eyes closed in an almost shameful way.
   "Our families will protect each other."
Tonowari seems to politely correct.
"I meant what I said."
   And he turns to face Jake this time, his wider eyes piercing into Jake's gaze.
"-They must die."

Which... that does open a small window of opportunity.
   "Tonowari." He starts with. "I believe Ian can help with that.
He has an extensive background.
Everything I've looked over so far, with the files Norm sent, .. it checks out."

"You believe he is worth trusting, then?"

"I believe it's worth a shot." He sincerely answers.
"Spider was with them for so long, he knows them better than we do. I trust his judgement."

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