Long Hike

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You have a hard time refraining from biting your lips as you watch.

Jake's on the other end of the fire pit — and although it isn't lit at the moment — it's still rather warm around here.

He's working on getting a few things attached to bobs harness before he gathers the children, his hands definitely working away at those knots and leather ties he secures.

"What's with that face?" He asks, and you almost jump at the sudden sounding of his voice.

You blink a few times before you look up at him, snapping back to reality from wherever your brain trapped you before.

"What face?" You answer innocently.

"You were staring me down awfully hard. Did I forget something again?"

"No, you didn't. - I was simply enjoying the view. You may continue."

Jake stares back in confusion, not quite getting it until he drops his hands in his lap and feels the rope in his fingers.
   "Seriously?" He deadpans.

"What? I know what I like."

He stands before stalking his way over to you, clenching a piece of rope in his palm as he does.
   "Fine." He seems to entertain the idea as he grabs your hands and loops it around, tying a knot around your wrists and securing your hands.
   "Is this what you wanted?"

"Mmm..." You look up at him, smiling. "- yes, but, maybe another time. How else am I going to help with packing?"

He slips a finger between the rope, and tugs upward as he brings your hands around the back of his neck.
    "All you have to do is sit and look pretty. We got most of everything last night. Kids are handling the rest."

"Look pretty?" You ask as he lifts you up around his waist, and presses you gently against a nearby boulder.
"Damn, failed step one."

You almost shiver at the sudden exhale he breathes against the side of your neck.
   "Don't even joke about that." He warns. "That's my wife you're insulting."

His lips press against yours, and damn is it suddenly hitting how hard it is to adjust with your hands tied like this.

Jake's already swaying his hips against you,  riding out the feeling of being pressed so close together. The cloths never leave much to the imagination in this.

"Hey so I wanted to know if—-"

Oh, god.
It's lo'ak's voice coming in from the distance, and you and Jake fail to part in time as you're struggling with the restraints.

"No, nope." Lo'ak quickly covers his girlfriends eyes as she stands beside him. "Nevermind. I wasn't here, we weren't here. — I'm going back home."

Before Jake can even say anything, he's already out and the kids have parted.

"Shit. I didn't hear him." You barely laugh out from embarrassment.

"I didn't either." Jake admits. "—I was listening to you."

"Great." You comment as Jake parts and helps you sit up. "—now he's traumatized."

"I hate to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a single person in this family who isn't."

That's absolutely a joke taken too seriously to heart with how true it was.

The guilt of not being able to spare them was something you'd never escape.

"I promise I'll finish you later." Jake smirks as he lifts you up and starts to undo the knot. "Sorry it had to be cut short."


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