Kyouka also found it hard to believe that not a single hero found it suspicious one building was not like the others.

Opening the rusty door, it's hinges shrieked due to the lack of oil, covering her ears in pain she also noticed the crying had stopped.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

Her voice bounced off the walls and echoed throughout the building. She walked into the dark room with caution, not knowing that a pair of eyes were watching her, and slowly listened for any sign of life.

*Forty-five Minutes Later*

Growing perplexed, and slightly frustrated, Kyouka was close to leaving the building before she saw something move near the window. Looking to her right quickly, she saw it was a crow cawing, releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding she chuckled to herself.

"What're you doing here little fella?"

Walking toward the crow, seeing it back away slightly, Kyouka whistled a soothing tone that the crow found pleasing.

"Did you lose your flock?"

The crow allowed Kyouka to pet it, behind her however, were the eyes that watched from the shadows. An they were slowly approaching Kyouka.

Silently they crept behind her, hands seemingly forming out of thin air, as they tried catching Kyouka.

Feeling a sense of sudden fear Kyouka turned around quickly to find nothing there. She panted slightly while the crow tilted its head in curiosity.

"I might have to take that offer on Shoji's yoga lessons."

Turning back around a being was standing in front of her with the same glowing eyes. Kyouka felt paralyzed by its stare, her body couldn't move even if she wanted it to, however the eyes she stared into looked...familiar.

The being leaned closer, seemingly examining Kyouka, before it backed away and finally spoke.

" that you?"

That's when the moonlight shined through the window and revealed the mysterious being to be Izuku. The two locked eyes before looking away bashfully, all these years and they still couldn't talk normally.

"'s been awhile."

Izuku snickered, which Kyouka picked up, but tried to cover it with a fake cough. But it was to late.

"Did you just laugh? Turns out the edge lord does have a sense of humor, who would've thought?"

Kyouka smirked seeing Izuku glare at her before chuckling.

"Moving past that, it's great to see you, Kyouka."

Her stomach was doing flips and her heart beat felt it was going a mile per minute. With a smile, and a light blush, she stepped closer to Izuku.

"It's great to see you too, My Hero."

Izuku groaned turning away, Kyouka winced, realizing what she said.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, Kyouka, past is the past. What's done is done, though I wish things have gone...differently."

Petting the crow himself, Izuku looked at the moon with melancholy, that day was supposed to be the day he showed everyone he belongs in the Hero Course.

If only he called in sick.


It had been some time and Izuku had been training. He heard from one of the teachers that the Sports Festival was near, that wasn't what peeked his interest however, it was the little secret of a Gen Ed student being able to be transferred to the Hero Course.

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