v. the arrival.

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❝ if she sees me beating you, i‘m fricking dead ❞

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if she sees me beating you, i‘m fricking dead

──── thyme akira paramanantra

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MAHI HUMMED, WALKING ALONG THE sidewalk with a distressed look, after the stunt which the students pulled yesterday, she was not so sure about her safety anymore.

Ofcourse, she could take on the students, they were mere cowards to her, but after seeing the extent of the disgusting thing Por and his friends pulled, she was vary of them.

Mahi once thought that the actual school life was a fairytale, she dreamt of hanging out with her friends in cafès, shopping, sleep overs, discussing about their crushes, gossiping and so on, but she could see the entire dream she built crush into mere pieces when she stepped foot inside the high and mighty KÖCHER HIGH sure, she was clueless as to what was going on, since her so called bestfriend, Renrawin Aira liked to keep her in the dark.

Too caught up in her own world, Mahi failed to notice men in black coming towards her, only when they caught her arms did she look up, surprised to see the bulky males dressed up in fancy suits dragging her somewhere, "hey! fools -" Mahi was unable to continue as the bodyguard-like males pressed a drugged cloth to her nose, which made her feel dizzy.

She mumbled nonsense, watching the world around her spin, "Thy--Thy--me." she muttered and she blackened out.


MAHI BLINKED HER EYES, coming face to face with a woman wearing a mask, "who the hell are -" she wasn't able to continue as the woman placed a finger to her mouth, "hush, let us do our magic." the masked lady hummed.

Mahi frowned, her brain wasn't comprehending the sentence, suddenly her eyes widened, "magic!? as in black magic!? am I stuck in a cult!?" she bombarded the masked women with her questions.

"aish, just zip your mouth," the other woman scolded, annoyed at the Indian girl.

A humongous makeover was given to the brown girl, wearing simple makeup and a stunning long white floral dress, with a neon green belt strapped to it. Her hair curled as her chubby cheeks set the whole outfit completely.

She was then escorted to another room and before she could ask any other question, the maids left her alone. She looked at the mirror, stunned but surprised.

"Didn't know I was so pretty." She bragged to herself, admiring herself even more as she did aesthetic poses until another voice boomed inside the anonymous room.

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