Shattering the Despair!

Start from the beginning

As he entered the room, his gaze was drawn to the enormous window that offered a bird's-eye view of the courtyard where the festival was set to take place. The smell of freshly mowed grass filled his nostrils, and he peered down at the students bustling about in preparation for the event. A sadistic smile crept onto his face as he heard the distant sounds of music and laughter, knowing that everything was finally falling into place.

His heart pounded with excitement as he fiddled with the square-shaped pendant dangling on his neck. "Everything will end today!" he exclaimed with a crazed look in his eyes. "And I'll make it glorious. After all, this will be the last festival any of them will ever attend."

Unbeknownst to the students in the courtyard, Kirio watched them intently through the window of the hidden room. The magical concealment made the window appear as an ordinary wall to anyone outside, allowing him to observe without being detected. Meanwhile, the students went about their festival preparations, blissfully unaware of the impending danger lurking just out of sight.

After that, he strode towards the large machine in the room, which was none other than 'Gabu-chan,' the machine that Izuku had helped him fix. It was evident that Gabu-chan had been charging for quite some time. With care, Kirio placed the massive ball of ammo on top of the machine.

As the machine hummed to life and began charging the ball, Kirio couldn't help but recall Baal's words. He walked back towards the window, gazing at the students below as he remembered what Baal had said. 

"You are not a mistake, Kirio," Baal had said with a wicked grin. "On the contrary, looking at you reminds me of the true essence of the demons. That's why I will help you prepare the stage for you to fulfill your dream... your wicked, twisted ambition."

"That's right senpai, it's time to end... no this is not the end," Kirio thought as he clutched his square-shaped pendant in his hands, "it's the beginning..." he said and destroyed the pendent releasing a huge amount of magic from within and engulfed the entire school in the barriers courtesy of his bloodline magic.

With a sinister smile on his face, Kirio focused his attention on manipulating the barriers he had erected around the school. "Now all I have to do is guide them to the courtyard, where they will meet their demise," he muttered to himself, with sadistic lust in his eyes.


"What the hell!?" Izuku cursed as he slammed into an invisible barrier that had materialized out of nowhere. He quickly rose to his feet and examined the barrier. "This looks familiar," he muttered as he inspected the barrier more closely.

"I don't think, that's not the only barrier," Daki remarked as she placed her hand on another invisible barrier that had appeared behind them.

As they were wondering what was going on they heard a group of students yelling, "What is going on dude!? There are invisible barriers all around the school!" outside the window.

Izuku rushed to the window and peered outside. Several students were struggling to navigate through the maze-like barriers leading to the courtyard. "This can't be good," Izuku thought as he tensed up, realizing that something terrible was happening.

"We have to find Kirio quickly, Daki-senpai," Izuku said, turning to his senior. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Daki nodded at him. By now even she had realized who these barriers possibly belonged to. "Well then let's get going," she said, conjuring ribbons with beautiful flower patterns from her body and smashing the barrier to pieces.

As she turned to check on Izuku, she noticed him staring at her with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked, wondering why he was looking at her like that.

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