Saving All My Love For You *H.MM x K.JG*

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You used to tell me we'd run away together. Love gives you the right to be free - Whitney Houston - Saving All My Love For You

"Are you going to come back?"
"I don't know, grandma isn't doing well."
"I understand. Let's promise we will see each other again."
"Not just that, when I become an alpha, I will come and protect you."
"But what if I don't become an omega?"
"I don't care because it's you. Once I'm an alpha we will be mates."
"Then we can be together forever. Our family would love that."
"Yeah, when you come back for me, let's be mates."
"Will you wait for me?"
"As long as it takes. I love you Nini."
"I love you too Momo. I promise I will come back."

-Ten years later-

"He isn't going to find me now," Momo told herself, as she stood in front of her new school. Her family just moved recently due to her father's job. She was upset because she broke her promise to Nini that she would wait for him, where they grew up. He left ten years ago with his family to take care of his grandmother and has not been back since. They didn't have any communication with each other since they were young children not able to have their own cell phone. During the ten years, she presented as an omega, her goal for when Nini comes back as an alpha. Yet deep in the back of her mind, she might believe he isn't back because he isn't an alpha. No, she kept believe he will come back but then they moved. She spend weeks crying since the move that she will never see Nini again and be his mate.

"I'm sorry Nini, I wish I fought to stay put but in the end I couldn't," she told herself. "I hope you do find the mate that will stay with you always." Momo wiped the last year away and walked to her new future.
"I heard there is a new omega girl starting today," Taemin told his best friend, Jongin while they were in their home room class. Jongin just sighed, not caring about the news that was buzzing around the school. It didn't interest him at all. His only goal was to finish school so he can go back to his fated mate. Ten years is a long wait, but he has one more year before he can reunite with his Momo. He already presented as an alpha, but he couldn't go back. "Maybe you..."

"No, I already have a mate," Jongin said, looking at his friend. "I been away from her for ten years and once I'm done here, I'm going back to her."

"Do you think she is still waiting for you? Another alpha could have got her since you been gone."

"No way in hell. She isn't..." he stopped mid-sentence, getting a smell of peaches and cream in the air. He knew this scent so well, this scent has invade his dreams for the past ten years. It was really faint when he smell it last because they haven't presented, but he knew she would have this scent when she does. His pine and honey scent went off, as he stood up. His wolf inside him howled in glee that his mate is near. His eyes turned gold for a second before back to brown.

"Jongin..." he didn't hear his friend, as he exited out of the room. He sniffed the air to follow the smell of peaches and cream before taking off in the direction. People in the hallway watched him, as he marched his was to his mate. His scent was strong, really strong, making certain people sick, as the others kept their mates away for safety. This might be dangerous as he was an alpha on a mission.

At the same time, Momo finally got her things in her locker, after fighting to get the door open. While she was putting things away, a small group of alphas were studying her.

"An unclaimed omega..." Mingyu softly said, his eyes never leaving her.

"Maybe it's your chance to have a girlfriend," Seungcheol said. "Go up to her and introduce yourself before others come in the picture." Mingyu nodded and walked over towards her. It is rare for an unclaimed omega to come to school,m. Usually they are all taken when they were younger, but this is a chance that any single alphas would jump on it. Mingyu was almost close to her, he could taste her scent in on tongue.

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