"That was no help. I can't accidentally hit Marco with a door. What if I actually hurt him?" He mumbled but Isaac heard it all and smiled widely.

"Isn't Marco that sophomore kid that's the newbie on the baseball team?"

Andrew blushed. "Don't say anything, okay man?"

"Hey, your secrets are safe with me. Won't tell a soul, except for maybe Jess but he won't tell anyone either." Andrew looked slightly more pale as Isaac went on so the brunette boy paused. "I mean, unless you don't want me to tell Jess. I can keep it a secret if it's really that important to you."

"No its okay. You can tell Jess if he won't tell anyone. I'm just... not sure on what's going on with me. I don't really want it getting out until I'm sure."

"Ay, I understand. Don't sweat it, man. Just take your time. That stuff's confusing so don't worry too much about figuring it all out right away."

Andrew seemed to calm down a bit. He nodded. "Sorry I didn't have your back when Jace started tearing into you like that. I was scared because I was kinda hating myself at the moment. I think it was like- what's it called?"

"Internalized homophobia?" Zack offered and Andrew nodded.

"Yeah that. So I just couldn't bring myself to help you. Too scared of ending up in that position myself I guess. I know it's not much of a reason but I really am sorry."

"Nah, man, really don't worry about it. You came back and apologized. That's what counts. I'm not mad at you. At least you weren't the one saying that shit."

Andrew decided not to say that he wasn't doing anything about it either. Isaac was too kind for his own good sometimes. Although right now, he was grateful for it.

"Now, cute newbie? How'd that happen?" Zack's face held a cheeky grin and Andrew felt himself go a little red.

"Nothing serious has happened yet, don't get your hopes up." Andrew mumbled and Isaac laughed. "I've just noticed him and kinda admire him. I mean because of the way he's taking the bullying. Wyatt's been giving him shit and he hands it right back every time."

"Yeah? He sounds badass." Isaac said and Andrew silently agreed.

They were quiet for some time. Andrew looking at his feet like there was more he wanted to say. Zack waited patiently for him to say something in case whatever he was thinking about was important.

They didn't get to that though because a boy emerging sleepily out of the hallway caught Isaac's attention. He hobbled over towards the couch and Isaac smiled softly. "Hey, Baby."

Jess didn't say anything, just walked up to Isaac who opened his arms up for him. Jess crawled in his lap, sitting side ways so he could rest his head on his chest and stretch out his legs. Isaac chuckled and wrapped his arms around the sleepy boy.

It was then, Jess finally noticed Andrew. He tensed up a little bit and his head moved so he could look back and forth between the two with ease.

"Uh, what's happening?" His voice was quiet, both from having just woke up and because he was only asking Zack.

"Andrew was apologizing."

Jess's face screwed up and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"Yeah. He wanted to tell me he was sorry about not sticking up for me when Jace was being an ass."

Jess hummed. "Good. He better be sorry."

Andrew let the guilty look came back but Isaac just chuckled. He gave Jess a soft look and defended his friend, "He didn't do anything wrong."

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