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The twins eventually receieve dragon eggs after Osarra lays a clutch, and they could not be happier. They both watch over the bubbling eggs and wait for them to hatch, and after months of waiting, they finally do. Aerys has named his little gold and red dragon Fyreheart, whereas Aelora has named her little black and purple dragon Vealor. The dragons brother get sent down to the pit after the bond with the twins, where they wil live for the rest of their days.

But Aerys and Aelora don't want their dragons to have the same fate as Osarra, who hardly leaves her cave once every moon. Osarra sees the dragonkeepers more than her own rider, and it deeply saddens the Prince and Princess.

And during the months as of late, Viserys has found himself a new friend in Alicent. He cherishes their time spent together, though keeps it a secret from his daughter. Rhaenyra just wouldn't understand.

Daemon, in his everlasting temper, has stormed off to Dragonstone, where he continues to dwell. He's ignored the will of the Queen, who wished to keep him in charge of the Gold Cloaks. But the Rogue Prince cares little for the wants of a Queen of whom has Northern blood. He's never considered House Stark to be a true ally of the crown, but neither does he consider House Hightower to be one, either. He loathes the fact that Otto is still Hand, and dreams of seeing the cunt's head put on a spike.

The trouble in the Stepstones has gained more and more attention from the crown as it worsens and begs for war. The Queen is advised on how she could possibly win the war, but she cares little about winning at whatever the lost. Though her heart may be freezing over and destroying whatever warmth it once had, Jaenys will not stand to murder without cause. Lord Corlys Velaryon is among the most adament to go to war, for he believes it has already begun.

" Four ships have now been lost," The Lord of the Tides exclaims as he saunters into the council meeting, " The last one was flying my banner. The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, yet you sit here and dither about court business."

" Lord Corlys, we are discussing the matter of a replacement for the Queensg--" Jaenys starts.

" I want to know what is to be done about my ships and my--" He interjects.

" Do not interupt your Queen while she is speaking," She utters with a strong and commanding tone, " The Crown will ensure you are compensated and make an offering to the men's families."

" I do not want compensation," Lord Corlys counters, " I want to seize the Stepstones by force and burn out this Crabfeeder."

" I am not prepared to start a war with the Free Cities."

" These pirates are not the Free Cities."

" Who do you think provides them with their ships and tender?"

It is true that the Seven Kingdoms have never interupted the course of the Free Cities and acted for its own gain, and if the crown were to do so, the losses would be incalcuable.

" What reason does the crabfeeder have to fear us?" Lord Corlys questions.

" We have dragons, an army, and a fleet of ships," Jaenys lists off.

" Despite that, your own cousin has been allowed to seize Dragonstone and fortify it with an army of his Gold Cloaks. Daemon has squatted there for over half a year, without even a protest from the crown."

" I'll warn you, Lord Corlys," Otto speaks up, " A seat at the Queen's table does not make you her equal."

Queen Jaenys insists that she has taken action in the form of sending envoys in hopes to find common cause, but all it does it prompt the young Princess to speak her mind.

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