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I slide the helmet off of my head, careful to not disturb the two French braids I'd woven my hair into. Ali and Daniel lean against the gate beside the entrance to Golf N' Stuff and the dread is prominent on his face when he spots Johnny and I walking toward them.

"Hey, guys." I greet the couple, attempting to make the interaction as casual as possible.

"Hey." Ali smiles, but she purses her lips when she notices the glare the two boys exchange. I kick Johnny's shoe and he snaps out of whatever face-off the two were partaking in. "Um, we should probably go in." She glances at me for assistance wearing a lavender headband to coordinate with her top and I take the lead.

We walk in a horizontal line, Ali and I in the middle and the boys on either side of us. "Nice ride." She mutters to me with a wink, proving her prediction to be true about the motorcycle, but who knows if the theory itself is even accurate.

Johnny insists on paying for me, although I was planning to do so myself and the four of us wander into the amusement center with what seems like all the options in the world to choose from. Daniel and Ali are drawn to a boxing game and Johnny and I take the machine beside them, mostly to observe the other couple as they play. Eventually, Ali's figure knocks out Daniel's and it was a cute moment until Johnny leans down to mutter in my ear. 

"So nice of him to give us a preview of the All Valley, don't you think?" I try to contain the grin that creeps onto my face, but it grabs Daniel's attention through the reflection of the game screen.

"You got something you wanna say, Johnny? Because I'm all ears, honestly." He insists, causing Ali to brush it off for him and it would've worked, but Johnny takes the opportunity to strike again.

"I was just reminding her of the known fact that two months won't make a difference. You don't have a chance at the All Valley, no matter how hard you train." He snickers and Ali's eyes scan Daniel's body language to predict his next move.

"Johnny." I scold him and Ali attempts to pull at Daniel's arm.

"This is why you should've listened to me." He states with no context toward me.

"What're you talking about?"

"August you wouldn't even think about messing with someone like him and now here we are."

"Why is this being blamed on me now just because you can't keep your temper in check?" I seethe, suddenly growing angry at his assumptions.

"I shouldn't have let you accept the deal." He shakes his head.

"That has nothing to do with this. "You're just pissed because he proved that you should stay out of other peoples' business once in a while and you can't deal with that clearly."

"Fine, you want me to stay out of everyone's business? I will." He throws his hands up in front of his chest as he begins walking backward. "She's all yours, Lawrence. You might have more in common than I thought." He scoffs wearing a smile of a mixture of shock and anger behind it.

"Fuck you, LaRusso." I turn on my heel and Johnny follows beside me as I put as much distance between Daniel and me as possible. Out of all the things that could've happened tonight, arguing with Daniel wasn't even in the top ten scenarios.

"I shouldn't have pushed him." Johnny attempts to reason, but I'm so angry at Daniel that I can't even think clearly.

"It's fine, Daniel has been like this since I started training again."

-DAUNTLESS- 𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now