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As the alarm sounds beside my bed, I slam my palm against it, practically unconscious, and it clatters to the ground, causing me to shoot up in a startled manner. I identify the source and groan as I fall back onto my mattress, slowly dragging my hands down my face. I sigh, deciding to stand up after a minute, and trudge to the bathroom.

Andie occupies one of the sinks as she brushes her teeth, doing a little dance to the music playing through her radio. "You seem like you're in a better mood." I state and she gives me a wide grin after she spits out her toothpaste.

"Yeah, I guess I'm more excited now. Or I'm trying to convince myself that I am." Yeah, you and me both.

"You'll be fine. Better looking lost as a junior than a senior."

"You're right." She nods in relief and hurries out of the bathroom, taking the portable radio with her.

I snicker at her sudden change in outlook and continue getting ready. I end up wearing a pair of blue jeans and a graphic tee that has horizontal slashes in the back with my high tops. I forget that I don't have to worry about chilly weather anymore like I had to in Illinois so in the back of my mind I hope that I don't regret my outfit decision later in the day.

I leave my hair down how I naturally have it, leaving my waves defined and reaching below my waistband.

Erik and I take two separate cars since I might be going somewhere with Ali after school. We find two spots beside each other in the front row of the lot, closest to the school. Several motorcycles take up the next two spots, one flashing a vibrant red that I recognize from the previous night.

The bell rings to signal five minutes and the three of us disperse to find our first-period classes, mine being physics on the main level. It was a pretty smooth entrance aside from a few odd looks from a group of girls that sat across the room, but I was expecting it.

At lunch, I scan the area, attempting to spot Erik, Andrea, or Ali, and just as I did: "Hey, stranger," The bubbly blonde greets, her arms bearing a small stack of textbooks against her cornflower blue sweater vest.

"Oh, hey Ali." I smile and the two unknown girls behind her shoot me a confused look.

"How is it so far? Not too dreadful?"

"Eh, could be worse I guess, right?" I shrug, and she realizes her two friends haven't met me.

"Oh, Susan, Mellisa, this is Samantha. She moved in a few houses down from me; our moms know each other."

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm Mel." The red-headed girl beams.

"And you can call me Suzie." The brunette girl informs me.

"Oh, here he comes." Mel sighs and the other two wear the same expression of dread.

"Hi, Ali," Johnny says in a soft tone as he walks up to our group in the lunch line, the rest of his friends trailing behind.

"Hi, Ali." She mimics in a grouchy voice, causing his smile to fade. His eyes flicker to me, a smirk appearing on his lips.

-DAUNTLESS- 𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt