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Ali picks Erik and I up at five and happily drives us to the beach that we must've passed a million times yesterday while in our never-ending loop to get burgers. Andrea decided last minute that she didn't want to go since it would mostly be seniors and she'd rather stay home and watch a movie with mom although I attempted to convince her otherwise.

I, on the other hand, got dressed in a simple sage green bikini with a tank top and a pair of light washed jean shorts on top. I didn't bother putting more than just a thin coat of mascara and blush since the rest would be washed off in the water anyways.

Erik didn't seem nervous at all, but he did appear to rake his fingers through his brown hair once in a while, which lead me to believe that it wasn't completely true.

The two of us broke off and he quickly found his way to the group of boys that ran around playing soccer by the shore. Ali and I joined the group of girls that sat in a circle talking whilst lounging in their bathing suits and sunglasses.

After a while, I notice Ali's attention being averted from our group to the boys', her eyes trailing a black-haired boy. His features are youthful, but it doesn't stray away from his attractiveness as the boys nudge him toward Ali. She picks up the ball they intentionally rolled over to her and begins walking toward the boy, meeting him halfway.

Her smile is contagious when she returns, taking her place beside me once again. "Who was that?" I ask with a grin.

"I don't know." She giggles.

"Well, he definitely has his eyes on you, literally." We both glance back to the boy, who's blatantly admiring her from afar. The attention makes me realize I can't tell what's flushed skin or just sunburn on Ali's cheeks, but I assume by the way she nonchalantly tries to hide it with strands of her hair.

The night continues and the sun descends completely, leading to our groups converging into one around a campfire as we joke around with the music muttering in the background. Ali breaks off and spends a little more time with the mystery boy as I talk to Brenda about current fashion.

Suddenly, our conversation comes to a halt when she and the rest of the girls pause to watch a group of motorcycles invade our campfire. As they all take off their helmets, a blonde boy wearing a vibrant red jacket marches over to Ali with scrunched eyebrows.

"Hey Ali, I wanna talk to you." He states. At an instant, a bad feeling shocks my body and I shoot Erik a glance.

"Just leave me alone. We've been over this alright? I don't wanna talk." She responds annoyed, her enthusiastic grin, now, nowhere to be seen.

"Well, I wanna talk to you, alright?" His voice grows a bit louder and he shuts off the radio in between them. She flips it back on, causing him to more aggressively, reverse the action.

"What is your problem?"

"Well, why don't you just take your little Cobra Kais and get out of here!" She yells.

"Oh right, oh right, like that's gonna solve everything." He yanks the radio away from Ali, causing her to step forward.

The black-haired boy watches from a distance, analyzing the situation as he holds a soccer ball in his hands.

-DAUNTLESS- 𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now