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To be honest, my life has been a total roller coaster until some months before. Nevertheless, everything's on track now except my love life, which is as lifeless as cobras are after their lunch is done.

"Kairaaaa, am I pretty?" I asked, leveling my face in front of her.

"Are you on drugs?" She asked, checking my eyes.

"Tell na." I said, pinching him.

"Yes, Aisha, you are the most beautiful woman in the universe, happy?" Sha said with an eye roll.

"Then why my love life so barren?" I whined. Today is Sunday, and Avni went to pick Uncle and Aunty, who are coming here, me and Kaira are on house cleaning duty, as if it is very dirty.

I clean it every week, and it irritates me to see it all messy and dirty. These two animals can live anywhere, but I need cleanliness.

"Because you keep rejecting guys like a pair of shoes." She answered back, strengthening her bed sheets.

"I don't." I said with a gasp.

"Oh really, what about Mayank? Aarav? Alex? Mirwaiz? Do you want me to list more?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Mayank was really boring, and Aarav just kept talking about himself, yuck. Alex was way too straight forward, and wanted sex on the first night." I reasoned.

"You got to adjust somewhere." She said, turning to face me, hands on hips.

"You didn't with Ishaan, well whom am I kidding, he pursued you, and he is damn perfect for a grumpy you." I said.

"For the last time, I am not grumpy." She said, throwing a pillow at me. We were in her room, making the bed, because this princess woke up the last and late.

"You are. I am sure Ishaan will take my side." I said, throwing the pillow back.

"I hate you, Aisha." She said, throwing two pillows.

"I hate you too. And you want a fight, come I will give you a fight." I said and jumped on bed, beating her with pillows. She picked one too and hit my head.

"Owww. Kaira, you are so dead." I said and hit her head too.

"Guys!! I told you to clean the house, not start a fight." Avni shouted, we didn't even notice when she entered. Kaira threw a pillow at her, too.

"Now, the irritating voice shuts up." She said and high fived me. Then we saw Uncle and Aunty standing at the front door, watching Avni and us.

"Oh shit." Kaira muttered, and we both climbed down from the bed and greeted Uncle and Aunty.

"Namaste Aunty, Uncle." We both said, and they gave us blessings.

"How are you all my bacha log?" Aunty asked.

"Great mumma, didn't you see those two stupid just now." Avni said from behind us.

"And how is everything with your job? Aisha? Kaira?" Uncle asked. Avni's father used to be our maths teacher in high school, so it's still a little awkward to call him uncle , but who cares.

"Everything's smooth and good, Uncle." I said.

"Let me freshen up and then tell me everything about your lives here." Avni's mother said. She is a total gossip girl, yeah she was a little strict with Avni during school years but then it's like we unlocked a new aunty, she became carefree and used to chat with all of us about anything and everything.

"Gossip, gossip, gossip." Uncle muttered and headed to Avni's room. Yeah, they are gonna stay in Avni's. Her mama and mami are also coming tomorrow, so Avni, me, and Kaira are going to be squeezed in one room.

I did miss us in one room though...all the fun banter and teasings.

The doorbell rang, and Avni opened up the door to see a panting. Aman.

"What? Did you run all the way here?" She asked, taking in his state.

"Before anything, can I talk to Aisha for a second?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"Don't tell me you really ran here to talk to her." Avni said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Nahh, the elevator wasn't working, took the stairs." He answered, sitting down.

"Cut the boy some slack." I said, handing him a glass of water. He looked at me like I was the God.

"What did you wanna talk about?" I asked, sitting beside him. He nervously glanced at Kaira and Avni, who were staring at him with big eyes.

"Not here, please." He pleaded.

"Fine. Come on in." I said, and he followed me into my room and shut the door.

"Is there any problem with your relationship, or is this again entirely one of your stupid melodrama?" I asked, facing him. He gave me a side eye but spoke nonetheless.

"It's about Krish." He started slowly.

"Wait, what happened to him?" I asked, sitting down on the floor, cross-legged, while he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know from how long, but he is having these very unpleasant nightmares. And, one time, I was taking out my watch, and out of nowhere, he started sweating profusely and shivering. I really had a hard time calming him down. I thought you might help, considering your line of work." He spoke, and I was shocked.

I had met Krish many times in these last 3 months, and from outside, he always seemed so fine, composed, and calm. Even handsome, if you know what I am talking about.

"Did anything big or like traumatic happened in his life lately?" I asked.

"His father died last year, and that's when the nightmares and everything started. This is what he told me." Aman spoke again. I hummed... his mother left when he was in high school, and now his father too. Too much for any person to take in.

"How was his relationship with his mother and father...?" I asked again.

"Well, his mother I am not allowed to say, but his father was sort of abusive, specifically during his years in class 12."

"But he always acts so rigid now..." I spoke, my mind wandering back to the times I met Krish in the UK only.

"I know he comes off as tough, but trust me, he is not. His father's death brought back displeasing memories, and now, he isn't able to cope up with all the emotional stress." Aman spoke again.

"See, I can't treat him cause he is my friend but I will recommend a very good psychologist and he is also a good friend of mine. Here." I said and handed him the card of Jasper's card. He was with me during my master's and that how we became good friends.

Heyyyyy Nixies!!! I hope you are liking the story so far. Tell me in the comments which part is the best!😉.

Byeee, take care and keep smiling✨️❤️.

City Of Stars (Stars Trilogy#3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz