"So you're staying here for a week then." He says as he walks into one of the rooms. Breaking me from a trance.

"Yeah, sure am." I say blankly. I was still annoyed that I was staying here, but I hoped it would be a bit more interesting with Jack here. He places the bags down and I do the same. He then looks me up and down once and then meets me gaze again. I try not to show my discomfort as he looks me up and down so I just cross my arms over my chest. When he meets my gaze he raises his eyebrow and smirks.

"This is going to be very interesting." He says, breaking my gaze. "I'll leave you to get settled in. I'll see you in a minute then. My room is just next door so if I hope you don't mind sharing a bathroom. I manage to shake my head slightly. His smirk returns to his face.

"Very interesting." He mutters and walks out of the room. I am left there flustered and completely surprised. What did he mean interesting?

I unpacked my clothes whilst listening to my music with my headphone plugged in. I tried to keep my head on the task ahead of me but it quickly wandered to other places, to someone else. I really needed to get my act together if I was going to make it through this week with my dignity still in one piece. Jack has already flustered me and made me feel uncomfortable. I needed to make him know that I shouldn't be messed with. But did I really want him to stop?

After I unpacked my clothes I lay down on my bed with my headphones still plugged in and let out a sigh. I scrolled through my Instagram and texted a few of my friends telling them where I was. After that I let my phone drop onto the bed and I let out a long sigh. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the music blaring into my ears. I really needed to talk to Emma, my best friend, because she would know what to do, but she was in Spain for the whole summer and wasn't going to respond to my messages. I kept trying to focus myself on the music in my ears but my mind always wandered. Just as I was about to give up I get up I felt a weight on my stomach, my eyes shot open to see Jack sitting their.

"What the hell?!" I shout at him.

"Well you seemed to be bored so I thought I would make it slightly more interesting." He says and I can't help but roll me eyes as a smile forms ontp my face. I begin to try and push him off by pushing on his rock hard chest but he doesn't move. He stay put the whole time I attempt, he seems to get bored with it and when I am about to give up he grabs my wrists and puts them above my head. The position we were now in made me blush furiously. If anyone was to walk in now they would take this extremely out of context. I was out of breath from attempting to get him off and the weight of him was beginning to bear on my stomach.

"Is this interesting enough for you or do you want me to make it even more interesting?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"How are you supposed to-" But I am interrupted as his lips are pressed against mine gently. His grip loosens on my wrists for a moment but then returns quickly. I am surprised at first but then I kiss him back. His lips were soft and the kiss was gentle. He licked against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Which I denied. He wanted interesting that was what he was going to get. He let out a moan and pulled off of me. He looks at me with a playful glare but there was a smirk on his lips.

"Was that interesting enough for you?" He asks as he begins to get off of me. I can't help but smile. But I shrug my shoulders. His smirk falters slightly and I laugh at him.

"Do you need to check on that?" He says, nearing me. I sit up in my bed and as he walks over to me he comes in between my legs. He bends down slowly down and I feel his breath against my cheek. I immediately become nervous. His smirk just grows and grows at my nervousness. I manage to shake my head at him but he just laughs.

"I know you do really." He says and closes the gap again. This time it is more forceful. His arms go around my waist and mine go to his neck. I can almost feel his smirk as I kiss him back. We begin to lean back onto the bed and when he asks for entrance again by licking my bottom lip, I tease him again, causing him to moan in frustration but I give in and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I felt alive under his touch.

"Anna! Can you come say goodbye to your parents? They're leaving for their flight now." Dawn shouts up, breaking Jack and I apart. I look up at him, out of breath. He looks back at me, also out of breath and then sighs.

"This is not over." He says and then pushes himself off of me. He stretches out a hand for me to take and I do willingly. He pulls me off of the bed and we begin to make our way downstairs. I let go of his hand as we near the end of the staircase.

"My dad will kill me." I mutter and he nods in agreement.

When we find out way to the front door my parents are waiting there. My mom gives me a hug and so does my dad.

"Right. Be good for Dawn and don't annoy Jack too much." My mom says and we laugh. My dad eyes up Jack and then looks at me with worried eyes.

"And be careful." He says and then glares at Jack. I let out a nervous laugh and so does Jack.

"Don't worry. I will be on my best behavior and I will be careful. You know me dad. I am always careful." I say and my dad nods cautiously. I give them both a final hug and they make their way out of the house. I laugh at Jack who still looks terrified.

"He looked like he was going to kill me." He mutters and I laugh.

"Don't worry. He isn't going to kill you. He couldn't kill you even if he tried. He hates the sight of blood and can't hurt a fly." I say and he nods, still looking terrified. Dawn looks at us and then smiles.

"Well we're going out to dinner in about an hour. I hope you like pizza Anna." She asks and I nod quickly, making Jack and Dawn laugh. "That's great. I'll be in the study if either of you need me." She says and with that, she makes her way out of the hall. I look at Jack and he smirks and walks over to me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I hope you are going to remember this stay with me and my mom." He says and I smile.

"I don't know just yet if I am going to remember it." I say and he laughs.

"Well what can I do to change your mind?" He asks seductively, nearing me even more. I think for a second but his lips press to mine quickly. I pull away and then smile.

"Let go of me because I need to go get ready to go out." I say and he laughs.

"I think you look just fine like that." He says and I smile.

"Thanks but I don't." I say and pull away laughing.

"You are one interesting piece of work Anna."

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