Belated Consequences

Start from the beginning

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I wanted to be annoyed with Emily for getting into the situation we both saw coming a mile away, but I'd actually begun to understand her. Yes, Sarah was my best friend too and I knew she was going to be upset about this "sudden" semester-long trip out of the country.

Now I did ask myself if there was any logic in respecting the wishes of the girl who got salty every time I stepped into the room prior to the talk we had about this thing. I knew Sarah would have appreciated knowing that I knew this information a week and a half ago, seeing how much she depended on her for doing all the talking in literally almost every aspect of her life, but Emily begged me not to say anything until she got the chance to tell Sarah herself.

I found myself stuck in this situation with her. Emily and I had somewhat become friends after that, so it felt wrong to throw her under the bus with her sister. I was not in the mood to see another sister's explosion of theirs where both of them end up salty and sad about each other for a week straight. They've already had like thirteen of those in the past year I've known them both.

Besides, it was her responsibility to tell her codependent sister that she was ditching her, not mine. Seeing as Emily was the only person Sarah basically spoke to before she met me, I knew she would be extremely upset that she would be the last to know.

Still, I found myself rooting for that girl, and wanting her to be happy about following her dreams. We were both just girls with dreams. Yeah, we had our differences, but she deserved happiness too. I wanted Emily to get what she wanted.

Unfortunately, it was out of my hands the day of my cousin Quinn's birthday party, the night before the plane was scheduled to leave for Milan

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Unfortunately, it was out of my hands the day of my cousin Quinn's birthday party, the night before the plane was scheduled to leave for Milan. She was also Emily's best friend, but invited Sarah to be nice despite the fact that they rarely talked.

"So you're packed and ready to go, birthday girl?" One of Quinn's friends, Avalon, asked her.

"Of course! I've scanned MagazineQueenz for outfit inspo so Emily I don't look crazy out of place in Milan, but we're obviously going to get more clothes over there," she replied, gesturing to said girl. "This is like a glorified, overpriced fashion trip we get school credits for."

And there it was.

I felt my own heart sink at the mention of her name. She stood there stunned, her face white as a ghost. I knew she was screwed.                  


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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