Severus blushed, looking the other way while he sipped his tea.

Remus kissed back, pushing into Sirius with a moan.

"For the love of Salazar stop that!" Severus whacked them both with a leather pillow.

"Get him!!!" Sirius charged at Severus, hitting him with the pillow he swiped from him.

Remus jumped on Severus, holding him still.

"Get off me you mongrels!!!" Severus struggled.

"Attack!!!" Sirius sounded, slamming the pillow into Severus's chest, Remus grabbing the other pillow of the couch.

Severus grabbed them both by the throats. "Enough! We aren't children anymore stop this ridiculous behavior!"

Remus laughed against Severus's grip, getting another hit in. "Common Sev! Don't be such an old man!"

Sirius pulled Severus closer with a smile, pushing against his hand. "Let go or face the wrath of my claws!" He held his hands up, wiggling his fingers.

Severus tried to run.

Remus pounced, pulling Severus backwards.

Sirius dug his hands into Severus's chest, jabbing his fingers into his ribs and stomach.

Severus had no choice but to shout out in laughter, desperately trying to pull free. "S-Stop!!!" He shouted.

Remus joined in, tickling Severus's sides.

Severus had just about enough of this childish shit, throwing them both off. He quickly pulled a cluster of dark powder out of his pocket, throwing it down.

Remus and Sirius coughed, trying to clear the black smoke.

"Dammit! He escaped!" Sirius coughed, using his wand to create a wind spell, clearing the smoke.

Remus brushed the powder from his shirt. " that he's gone." He walked up to Sirius, smirking.

"Moony wait a minute!" Sirius backed up, his back hitting the wall.

Remus pressed himself against Sirius. "Have you been a good boy since I've been gone?" He asked lowly, running a hand down Sirius's low cut black shirt.

Sirius bit his lip. "Yes...I've missed you." He whispered, leaning in.

Remus kissed Sirius slowly, pushing him against the wall with a low growl in his throat. "I've missed you too Padfoot."

Sirius ran his hands down Remus's chest. "Do we have time?"

Remus nodded against his lips, kissing him as he took his jacket off. "I'll make time." He ripped apart Sirius's shirt, squeezing his muscled chest.

Sirius moaned at the strong hands that tore open his shirt, hands all over his tattoos and scarred skin.

Remus took his shirt off over his head, attacking Sirius's neck with rough nibbles. "I'm going to take you right here, I need to feel you!" He tugged his pants and boxers down in one rough thrust down.

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