The Meeting. Chapter 1:

Start from the beginning

"She's limping... I'll definitely have to get her to RG after some food."

~"Can you-"~ She stops looking down.

"Go ahead sweetheart." He encourages.

~"Can you sign my notebook?"~ She signs with a meek expression.

"Of course!!" He says a little too loud.

She flitches a bit but continues to pull out a notebook and pen and flips to the page about him and hands them to him.

He signs it and gives it back. And she puts it back in her bag he asks;

"Are ya hungry darlin'?"

She looks down and nods a little.

"That's ok I was just about to go to a fast food diner and you can join me.

She looks up again. ~"Really?"~

"Yea of course!" He stands up brushing his clothes off then reaching out a hand to her.

She hesitantly takes his hand, her own shaking, along with the rest of her as she gets up and puts her bag on her shoulder.

He keeps hold of her hand as they walk out of the alleyway and to the diner.

When they start getting to where more people are she tightens her little hand around his big one and tries to hide behind him.

He notices and tries to comfort her.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you're safe." He smiles at her.

She stays really close to him not saying a word. And as they continue to walk to the diner some people start shouting his name wanting different things from him.




Each time someone shouts she flitches hard and he feels it each time against his back and she grips his hand tighter for split seconds.

"Sorry, maybe another time folks I'm on my break!" He says making sure they can hear but making sure to control the volume of his voice so as to not scare her more.



"Bye Present Mic!!"

"Bye, bye my listeners!"

And they continue on towards diner now only a little ways away.

"So what kinda food are you in the mood for darlin'? They have all kinds of things."

She shrugs.

"I guess you'll just have to see the menu to find out huh?" He says right as they stop at the door.

He opens it. "Ladies first." He says with a kind smile.

He then goes in behind her and then leads her to his usual booth in a back corner.

A nice waitress comes and greets him.

"Hello Hizashi. How are you doing today?" She says while handing him a menu.

"Hey Ashley, I'm doing great. And you?" He greets back.

"Same but it's been a busy day." Then she notices Elly sitting next to him with her face buried in his leather jacket.

"Who's this cutie?" She asks.

Hizashi puts an arm around her back gently, willing her to look up and she does but then buries her face again and hugs him tightly.

Voice Hero: Present Mic meets The Mystical Hero: Celestial?? (prev Roxy)Where stories live. Discover now