The Meeting. Chapter 1:

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(A/N: Pic belongs to me. This book IS copyrighted. Also look I'm it's not his hero costume i just hadn't made it yet.)

It was an ordinary day in Japan much like every other day, and the Voice Hero: Present Mic had just started his break from his patrol. He decided he'd go to a fast food place for some lunch.

As he was walking he decided to take a shortcut past an alleyway. When he got near he heard crying.

"I think I hear someone crying. Better check it out." He thinks.

He walked closer as quietly and quickly as possible.

What he saw shocked him.

"Is- is that a kid?!"

He walked further into the alleyway and said softly but loud enough to be heard;

"Little listener?"

The kid shot their head up and he could see what seemed to be cat ears looked freighted and wined trying to scoot away.

"Hey, hey little listener calm down. I won't hurt you I promise look I'm just gonna stay right here ok?"

From what he can see the kid's a girl.

"Is it ok if I talk to you?" He asks his voice even softer, seeming to make her calmer and he slowly moves to sit down.

She nods.

"Good. I can tell you can hear me, but can you speak?"

She nods slowly.

"Do you want to?" He asks.

She vigorously shakes her head.

"Ok do you know sign language? If so, you can use that."

She nods once more.

"That's great little listener!" He says with a smile. "So what's your name darlin'?" He asks.

~"Elly. Elly Sora."~ She signs tentatively.

"What a beautiful name."

She smiles a bit and comes closer a little.

He smiles back as well.

"How old are you?"

~"10"~ She signs, coming closer and sitting about 3 feet away.

"She's closer!!" He exclaims in his mind. And he gives her a good look now that she's in what amount of light that shows through the alleyway.

"Is being a Neko your quirk?"

~"Sorta. I have 3. But I'll only tell you of one."~

"Alright that's fine I understand."

"The one quirk is called Neko-Ōkami. It's half Neko half Ōkami. I can do all the things of a cat and wolf."~

"That's amazing sweetheart. Can you also turn into an actual cat and or wolf or is it just the partial with ears, nose, tail, and claws?"

~"The first."~

She looks at him more closely, almost seeming to analyze the kind man with blond hair in a strangely familiar updo and then she sees the directional speaker and her eyes widen.

"A-are yo-ou P-pres-san-nt M-mic-c?!" She stutters excitedly.

He looks shocked then fondly smiles and says; "Yea! You a fan, little listener?"

"M-mh-hm" ~"You're one of my favorite heroes!!"~ She signs with the biggest smile and the widest eyes. Then she gets a look in her eyes and gets up and runs while limping to a bag and drags it back.

Voice Hero: Present Mic meets The Mystical Hero: Celestial?? (prev Roxy)Where stories live. Discover now