Ragged Blanket (Xiao/Female Reader; 18+)

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This short story contains adult content; read at your own discretion.


"I do not think the rain will let up anytime soon," you heard Xiao speak from the doorway. He spared his gaze no break, as he kept watch upon the land before him. The grip he held on to his polearm was evident.

"No kidding," you remarked nonchalantly. "This storm reminds me of the time Osial ravaged Liyue Harbour. I really doubt a downpour like this will come and go like it's nothing," giving your take on the situation, you stepped to Xiao's side. "You should step further inside; monsters take shelter from the rain as well, after all. They won't be coming for us."

"I wouldn't be-"

"Well, just step aside for my sake then, I want to squeeze some of this water out of my hair," you doubled down, hoping he would give up his vigilant role for just a moment. It seemed to work well enough.

"Ah, alright," and so, he stepped further inside, putting his weapon down and giving you the space you needed. "We're actually quite lucky," he spoke from the room behind you. "Out of all the abandoned buildings in Liyue, this one actually has a functioning roof."

"Right, as if we could get more drenched than this," a remark supported by the splash of water that came from your hair, to really drive it home.

Xiao sighed, even though he had grown used to your abundance of sarcasm and out of pocket comments, it did not seem like he enjoyed it that much more. On the surface, that was. "There's a small fire pit, too. It looks usable enough. I hope the former owners of this house were nice enough to have left a flint and steel behind," he muttered.

"Oh! We could dry our clothes then!"

"R-right, I guess we could..."

Having squeezed as much excess water from your hair as possible, you turned around to look at Xiao with questioning eyes. "What do you mean, 'I guess?' We can't stay in these damp, cold clothes for the entire night. I can almost guarantee you that we would..." you quickly remembered that the Yaksha would probably take such a hit far better than you would. "I mean, that I would get sick tomorrow morning," you widened your eyes, anticipating his reaction. "And then... I'll die."

However, his face wore not a hint of amusement. "Fine, I get it. Dry them all you want."

You snickered. "Oh? What's that?"

"Absolutely nothing," he retorted, having dug through a few cabinets to find a flint and steel.

Xiao tended to speak in a harsher tone, often making it difficult to understand how he actually felt. However, after knowing him for so long, that tone of voice only sounded blatant and straightforward to you.

"Alright," acting as if you had let him off the hook, you planned to hit him with an even bigger whiplash. Or well, you did not have that much of a choice. "Could you help me with my dress when you're done lighting the fire?"



"Help you..." he stammered, clumsily hitting the flint and steel he found against each other out of distraction. "How?"

"Help me undress, that's how, dummy," you gave a sigh. "This dress is difficult enough as is, but now that it's wet... It only keeps sticking to my skin!" you were not exaggerating this time; it truly was a dire situation.


"Yay! Thank you~" you chanted, hugging Xiao from behind and making him jolt in the process. "Maybe you should actually gather something to burn before trying to start a fire, no?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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