Ch. 10

15 1 0

Song: Hold On Til May, Pierce the Veil


It was Wednesday morning, in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Sebastian was seated in the same row as Ominis, Natty, and Arabella, the seating arrangement the same as the first day of class. He was trying to focus on the material Professor Hecat was going over. The poor Slytherin boy just couldn't concentrate though, he peered over to Arabella, the Hufflepuff had her head resting in her hands as she looked like she was about to fall asleep as well. He then smirked and shook his head, deciding to pass a note to the blonde girl.


Is it just me or does Professor Hecat repeat lessons from last year?

I swear I've already learned about how to defend against a mountain troll before.


He then charmed the note sending to her as a paper frog, looking forward as if nothing happened, waiting for her response. The boy heard scribbling and looked out of the corner of his eyes to see her writing something. Sebastian could see her shit eating smirk forming, as she wrote him back, making the Slytherin smirk to himself. He soon found a paper frog by his foot, and picked up the note and read it.


Well, if I remember correctly,

We learned this last year from us taking down dozens of trolls already.


The Slytherin snorted a little too loudly while reading the note, drawing full attention from Professor Hecat and the rest of the class. The older woman turned to the bench they sat at towards the front, "Mr. Sallow, Ms. Tate, how many times must I interrupt you from passing notes in my class? I thought we had grown past this since your fifth year, I guess I'll see you both in my room after classes today for detention!"

"Professor Hecat, I-I can expla-" Sebastian started, trying to protest and keep Arabella's school record clean from marks. His record, he could care less, he's lost count of the amount of detentions he's received, but Arabella had a clean record and wanted it to stay that way.

"Enough arguing, Mr. Sallow. I've made my decision already." The professor cut him off completely, and turned back to the blackboard she was presenting. "Now–let's get back to where we were without further interruptions."

Arabella looked over to Sebastian, not with an annoyed or angry look that they had gotten in trouble and now had detention together. No, the blonde Hufflepuff looked rather amused as she and Natty just giggled to each other.

"You'd think that you'd learn how to secretly pass notes by now, Sebastian." Ominis whispered to his friend under his breath, annoyed with both of his friends. "I swear, you're both complete idiots sometimes."

Arabella heard this, and giggled as she responded in a whisper. "But Ominis, we're your idiots."

"Besides, Ominis it is known that these two collectively share one brain when in the same room together." Natty followed the remark, smiling at the blind Slytherin boy. Sebastian tried to contain a chuckle as he nodded. Natty continued in a whisper, "Also, aren't you used to this? You put up with the two the longest. It's either you or Poppy, I believe."

"Please, Natty do not encourage those two, and yes I'm well aware of it." The boy responded to the Gryffindor girl, pinching the bridge of his nose. Natty giggled at this response and patted his shoulder lightly. The four were completely unaware that the Professor was looming over them now, completely amused at the conversation, but annoyed that they weren't paying attention to her class.

"Ms. Onai, Mr. Gaunt, I believe that you both just earned detention as well, since it's obvious that my lesson has no interest to you as well." Professor Hecat stated, the four students turned to her and noticed she was right in front of their desks. She had her arms crossed, and had quite the annoyed look on her face. "I'm sure your mother will love to hear of this development."

Detention wasn't terrible, Professor Hecat made them wash the chalk boards and write twenty lines on how to defend against a mountain troll. The group was now walking towards the Great Hall for dinner. Natty was walking alongside Ominis, the two were in front of both Sebastian and Arabella. They seemed to be lost in their own conversation, smiling and laughing at each other. Arabella smiled at this, as Ominis was not one to laugh or joke around openly with just anyone.

"Sebastian," Arabella whispered to the Slytherin walking next to her, he turned to her, and followed her smile and finger pointing to the others. The taller boy watched as his best friend openly laughed with Natty, "Ominis never smiles so openly to anyone! Not even to me, his favorite idiot."

"Well, well, well." Sebastian said mischievously, he had a sly smile on his face. "Isn't that a strange sight, but a welcome sight at that. And wait, how are you so sure you're his favorite idiot?"

"Oh please," The blonde rolled her eyes as they continued to walk. "Do I need to remind you exactly how we were able to convince him to help us find the scriptorium?"

"Whatever, come on, let's hurry up to the Great Hall, before dinner closes." The boy responded as he picked up his pace to catch up with the other two. Arabella followed suit.

The group all walked together, making jokes with each other. They finally made it to the entrance of the Great Hall. They said goodbye to each other and then made their way to their respective house tables. Arabella noticed Poppy and Oliver sitting at the table across from each other. She walked over to the and sat down next to Poppy, and across from Oliver.

"Evening," Arabella said as she sat down.

"How was detention?" Poppy asked, teasing the blonde. "And just how did you manage to get both Ominis and Natty in detention with both you and Sebastian?"

Oliver dropped his fork, shocked at hearing that both Natty and Ominis were involved as well, he didn't question Sebastian getting detention, he'd share the detention hall with him plenty of times. "Wait, Natty AND Ominis? Just how?"

Arabella laughed at Oliver's face, she then mimicked with her lips that she was zipping them, and throwing away the key, "That is a secret I shall never tell."

Poppy laughed, "Well hurry up and eat dinner, we'll wait for you and walk with you back."

The blonde nodded and began eating as she listened to both Oliver and Poppy tell her about each of their unproblematic school days. She was content, and at peace with herself, she still had nightmares of Professor Fig's death, but it wasn't every night like it was over the summer, but she was getting some sleep at the least. The blonde could tell that the light in her emerald green eyes was returning as well, she laughed more, and her friends also could tell the difference as well. Arabella was finally healing.


Hope you all enjoyed! Trying to get back on a regular schedule!

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