Ch. 3

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Hi! Welcome back!

Song inspo: Control by Zoe Wees


Sebastain stared in shock at what had just happened, never in the year of knowing Arabella Tate, he'd only seen her snap at him once, and that he knew was entirely his fault and he deserved it. This one felt unjustified. He looked towards Ominis Gaunt and Garreth Weasley, his mouth hanging open.

"Look at your face, Sallow!" Garreth started laughing, "Ominis, I wish you could see this and witness this, he looks like a puppy that just got kicked!"

"Oh, I can picture it quite well, Weasley," the blind boy with pale green eyes stated. He had a smile forming on his face.

"Shut it, the both of you!" Sebastian lashed out at them. "What was that even about? I've always called her Belle since the time I brought her to Feldcroft to meet Anne, what could've possibly changed?"

"Well, considering how hard it was to get you to write to me back, did you even write to her?" Ominis asked, sounding unamused with his idiotic best friend's girl issue. Ominis felt the silence coming from the other Slytherin boy, getting his answer. "Dear Merlin, Sebastian, are you an absolute damned idiot? Even I wrote her letters to keep in touch with her, especially after her losing Professor Fig!"

"Wait, you actually didn't write to her?" Garreth questioned, almost in disbelief. "Oh Merlin, you definitely messed up with her. Good luck with that, Hufflepuffs are hard to piss off, but once you do they hold grudges for ages."

"Piss off, Weasley!" Sebastian said, "I wanted to write to her, I truly did, but with everything that happened with Uncle Solomon and Anne, I spent a lot of time contemplating and just working out my inner demons. Every time I picked up the quill to return a letter to her, my head went blank with grief and guilt of everything that's happened!"

Ominis shook his head in frustration for the two idiots known as his friends, he did not want to have to pick a side between Sebastian and Arabella. Garreth just grabbed Sebastian's shoulder trying to offer some form of comfort. They then noticed Amit Thakkar walking towards them.

"Hello everyone," the Ravenclaw greeted. "How was everyone's summer? Wait, why does Sallow look like a sad puppy?"

"Because the idiot didn't write to Arabella all summer, and now he just faced the consequences of his own actions," Garreth shared with Amit a little too enthusiastically for Sebastian's liking.

"Weasley! Mind your business," the brown-haired boy yelled. The Gryffindor just laughed loudly at him, only irritating the other sixteen year old more. Sebastian started to walk towards his ginger friend, wanting to punch him. But he was stopped by Ominis, who's expression told that he was done with everyone's antics for the day.

"Enough, the both of you! Let's get inside the Great Hall for the ceremony before it's too late!" The blonde-haired Slytherin hissed at the other three teens. He could tell that he'd yet again be babysitting Garreth and Sebastian this year, with little to no help from Amit.

Sebastian and Ominis were quietly making their way to the Slytherin common room after the feast. The food was delicious, as always, the house elves outdid themselves per the usual. The silence they were walking in had started between the pair in the Great Hall, Sebastian tried to talk to his best friend, but all he seemed to get was one worded answers, he soon gave up and ate his meal in silence.

"Ominis, can you please just say whatever it is you have to say," Sebastian turned to his friend as they continued to walk.

"Well, I don't truly know what to say to you Sebastain. Do you at least feel guilty for not writing to her all summer? I'm not picking a side, but I do consider Arabella a close friend as well, so I understand her hurt feelings, and that she needed someone she trusted to go to after everything that happened in the battle. But you are my best friend, and I also know that you yourself went through a terrible event as well, just slightly before the battle with Ranrok." Stated the slightly taller boy, as they reached the common room and headed to their dormitory. "I guess what I'm saying is that, you'll have to prove to both her and I how much you've truly changed. I can tell that you do have a lightness about you, one that I haven't seen since third and fourth year, I just need to see the maturity that I sense as well."

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