Falco gasps, his eyes are tearing up and he looks up at me, twisting his hand out of my grip. The expression he shares is the same as Reiner's. "I trusted you! What the fuck!" He falls against the wall. "No... What have I done?"

"There you have it," Eren says, referring to Willy Tybur's speech. "I'm a bad guy. I might even destroy the world. But to me, you looked like bad guys too." He's looking at Reiner now.

"I remember what you said back then," Reiner looks distraught, but a bittersweet relief is hidden behind the fear in his eyes. "You said you'll make sure we suffer the worst death imaginable. You promised. Isn't that what you're here for?"

Eren glances at me, as if he were a little embarrassed by what Reiner had just said. "Oh. I guess I did say something like that. Just forget I said that," he scratched his cheek, looking down. "It's true that there was a time when I saw everyone across the ocean as my enemy. But I crossed that ocean, slept under the same roof as my enemy..."

"Reiner," he continues, "I'm the same as you. Yeah, there's people here that piss me off. But there's people I..." He takes a deep breath, looking at me and then at Falco "Admire." He pauses.

"Across the ocean, inside the walls. They're all the same. But you were taught that the people inside the walls were demons," he looks at me, Reiner and Falco with blank eyes. "That's what they pounded into little kids who didn't know any better." He looks at Reiner. "What could a little kid like you have done? Tell me, Reiner. You've been suffering this whole time haven't you?"

Reiner falls out of his chair, hunched over in front of Eren, and I can tell he's losing his mind. I step forward instinctively to pry him off the floor. But he begins raising his voice at Eren. "No!" He yells. "You're wrong, Eren! That day Marcel died, Annie and Bertolt wanted to stop everything and go home." I freeze, taking a step back, a saddened frown on my face. "But I forced them to keep going, I wanted to be a hero!"

Reiner looks up at me, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I wanted to be respected! It's all my fault! It's my fault we lost Annie and Bertolt!" He sobs, looking at Eren. "It's my fault your mother got eaten by a Titan!"

My hands begin to shake and I feel a certain resentment for Reiner that I had never felt before.

"Please, just kill me," Reiner sniffles.

Eren looks at me, "get out of here," his voice lowers an octave when he addresses me, tender. He stands up. "Before it's too late."

My legs are frozen in place as I glance at Reiner. And I turn and run down the corridor and up the stairs.

I stop in my tracks and turn back around, changing my mind. I should stop whatever's happening. Not run away. I'm done with running away. And Falco. I need to save Falco.

But it's too late.

A bright light engulfs me like a thick blanket, blinding me for a few seconds. I hear screams, shouts, my name being called, and chaos. I hear war.

"Don't worry, Ms. Y/N! You'll be okay!" I hear Colt's voice. He's clutching me to his side, Gabi is on his other side and he's got his arms around us both protectively.

People are running around us, Gabi is screaming, and I feel a certain fear in my veins I hadn't felt before.

I jolt myself out of the stunned state I'm in and get on my feet. A repeated banging is all I hear, and then it suddenly stop and the dust settles a little.

A chill runs down my spine at the sight, and at the destruction I'm surrounded by. The War Hammer Titan stands up, and I'm only a few feet from them, craning my neck up to look at the two giants.

hate me - eren jaeger [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now