Chapter One

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I woke up in cold sweat, my heart pounding so hard. I reached out towards the nightstand beside the bed and tried to find the on switch for the table lamp. After a minute's struggle, I got it and part of the room illuminated with a dim yellow light.

Taking in a deep breath, I slowly rested my back on the bed rest. I looked up at the ceiling hoping to fight back the tears threatening to come out. Ever since the death of Leah, I've been plagued by nightmares and the unforgettable image of her dull lifeless eyes. Everywhere I go I'm reminded of her and the memories shared with her.

The grief therapist said that a time would come when my memories of her will feel like nothing but a distant dream but how could that possibly happen? How could I possibly forget her? How could I forget my best friend, the person who had given me a new reason to live? How could I forget her and not even feel a wave of guilt?

Realizing that the tears were still making their way out, I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lower lip. I didn't want to cry, I had already cried so much and it didn't help.

I felt a slight pain in my chest and immediately remembered what the doctor said about avoiding stress as it could trigger my condition. I sighed deeply and looked over at the alarm clock. It was 4:31 am.

I got out of bed and put on a grey knitted sweater, the one my mom had made for me last year in December. I made my way to the balcony and immediately felt a wave of fresh cool breeze brush my skin.

The balcony overlooked a lush green garden filled with flowers of different kinds. It was beautiful and enchanting almost breathtaking. I looked up at the starry sky, taking in some of the cool fresh air as I closed my eyes.

I smiled as I remembered the first time I watched the sunset here with her.

"Watching the sunset here is so cool," I remember her saying as she looked at the sun making its way down in orange and purple hues. "And it's not just the sunset, it's the cool breeze, the view of the garden and even the sky. Everything here makes me feel so alive. It makes me feel there's nothing to worry about. It makes me feel free." I remember smiling when she said all those things because when I thought about it like that what she said was true.

I felt my eyes become blurry as I revisited those memories and I couldn't help but break down. Why did she have to die? Why did she have to leave me all alone?

At this point, I no longer cared about my weak heart. I cried and cried until the sun came up.

My swollen red eyes from my breakdown this morning had long gone down and I was now having breakfast with Mom because Dad had left due to some urgent matters at the company.

I could feel my tummy turn as I looked at the food. I was in no mood to eat and could do nothing but poke at my omelette with a fork.

  "You haven't been eating well these past few days," Mom said as she looked at me with concern in her eyes "If you keep this up you might end up falling sick and you know your heart can't take too much stress."

I didn't reply but I cut a piece of omelette and ate it so that she'll stop worrying. She looked at me for some time before turning back to face her food. After a minute of silence, she dropped her fork and looked at me again.

  "Your father and I have decided that you'll be returning to school next week." She said as she used a napkin to clean her mouth. I looked at her wondering if she was joking but she looked serious.

  "Why?!" I asked finally saying something.

  "Why not?" She asked, "You've already missed a whole month of school, if you keep missing school you might get expelled."


  "No buts you are going to school means you are going to school." This time she said it more seriously.

I didn't bother finishing my food I got out of the dining room and immediately slammed my room door shut. I knew there was no need to try to convince her. Once she made up her mind nothing could make her change it.

This will be the first time I'll be going to school after Leah's death. I already knew that I'll have to go to school at some point but still, I wasn't ready to face all those pitiful glances from students. I bit my lower lips in anger. I hated this. I hated the fact that Leah wasn't here.

Authors note:
Hey guys the first chapter of  The Joys of Friendship is finally out. I'm quite happy since this is the first book I'm publishing on Wattpad. The writing is not so good, I know but with time I'll improve I promise. Please vote and comment.

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