4- Finally Home

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Mickey and Ian immediately got to work on getting the papers to Foster Maryanne. But in doing that, they also had to find an apartment where she could have her own room. Thankfully, they found just the place. Only issue, it was west side which is not quite what mickey is used to. Well, neither is Ian but he can handle change alot better than his husband

They decorated maryannes room and when it was done, mickey stood in the doorway and cried

"Mick, you OK?" Ian asked

"Ye just got something in my eye" mickey says wiping away his tears

"You miss her"

"I just can't believe she's gonna be our daughter. What were we thinking? This is not a good idea! With your mental issues and my families fucked up minds, how are we supposed to raise a kid. She's so smart. She'll probably end up raising us" mickey laughed with Ian as they both cried. They kissed one another and made the most of their last night alone. Maryanne would be coming home tomorrow

They were very worried. The social worker said that Maryanne had been crying in her sleep and having nightmares. Apparently, if she was feeling particularly bad one day, she would refuse to eat and it was terrifying. But they would get through this together.

The next day, maryanne sat in the car as they drove to mickey and ians new place. She found it odd that they were in West Side. It was nice. But not at all what she expected. And then she saw them. The car stopped and her social worker opened her door. Maryanne, with the biggest grin on her face, ran towards mickey and ian with her arms open. Ian lifted her up and hugged her then mickey hugged her

"Welcome home blondie" he said kissing her forehead and holding her on his hip as she rested her head on his shoulder

"I've missed you both" maryanne said.

"We've missed you too baby" Ian told her. They all went inside and the social worker took one last look around before telling them all that if they had any troubles, they can always call her. And once she left, ian yelled

"Who wants pizza?" Making mickey and maryanne scream a loud yes. Ian ordered the pizza and then they sat down on the sofa, turning the TV on


"Yes blondie"

"This is rubbish. Can I put my programmes on?" Mickey huffed but Ian made him hand her the remote as she stuck her tongue out at him

"Er...I didn't think this through. America doesn't have my channels" she sighed sadly

"Why don't we put a film on instead. What's your favourite film?" Ian asked

"Cinderella!" She yelled jumping up and down on the sofa happily until mickey pulled her down and started tickling her

Soon enough, they were sat watching cinderella and eating pizza and then, ice cream. And it was the best ice cream they'd ever tasted

"What time do you go bed?" Ian asks

"I don't have a bed time" she responds happily

"Bullshit. What time?" Mickey asks as Ian elbows him for his language

"Half 8" she says sadly

"Half 8? Nah we changing that. Half 10" mickey says

"Really? Yay" maryanne cheers running around like a headless chicken

"Kids got more energy than the easter fucking bunny" mickey muttered as Ian chuckled, kissing him. They turned and watched their new Foster daughter as she jumped up and down on the sofa

"You think we made a mistake changing her bedtime? She's tiring me out already" Ian asked

"Oh we definitely made a mistake" mickey said as he watched her run around

"OK. I'll go run her a bath before bed" Ian said kissing mickey before going to the bathroom

"Alright maryanne, stop jumping or you're gonna get hurt and I don't think social services will be too impressed if your first night here ends up in the emergency room" mickey says lifting maryanne up from jumping

"What are you doing?" She asks as mickey puts her on the floor and goes over to the sink

"I'm cleaning up" he explains. Maryanne stands next to mickey with her arms up and her lip stuck out

"You'll be the death of me, you know that kid" mickey says lifting her up

"Yep" she replies poppy the p. Ian walks back in to find maryanne hanging from mickeys neck as he washes the dishes

"Time for a bath maryanne" Ian says. She immediately let's go on mickets neck and steps away

"I don't need a bath" she groans

"Baths every other night before bed. Come on" he goes closer but she steps back with a grin on her face

"Don't you da-" and she's off. Maryanne runs around the apartment squealing with laughter as mickey and ian chase her. Eventually, ian gets her and dangles her upside down, carrying her to the bathroom. He sets her on her feet and leaves

"Ian!" She yells and he comes back in the bathroom

"Yep I'm here"

"You gotta help me" she whines

"You still need help having a bath?" He asks. He wasn't sure especially not after what happened

"I'm only 6! I've never done it by myself before" maryanne says. She gets undressed an under the bubbles as Ian gives her a bubble beard

"Get mickey" she says so he goes and does that

"What do we have here?" Mickey chuckles

"I'm father Christmas" she laughs at her bubble beard. Once the bath is over, Ian wraps a towel around her. He turns around for one second and then...she was gone

"Shit" he says. He leaves the bathroom and finds mickey running around after their Foster daughter who was butt naked. Her hair was leaving puddles along the floor

"Maryanne!" Ian says chasing after her

"Come on blondie. We're too old for this" mickey complains. Ian eventually catches her and wraps her in a towel before she goes and puts her pyjamas on. She comes back and sits infront of Ian

"You OK sweetie?" He asks

"You've gotta dry my hair or I'll get sick" maryanne says

"That's just an old wives tale" mickey tells her

"Are you really willing to take that risk?" Maryanne asks raising her eyebrows

"Fair point. Alright, I'll go get the hair dryer" Ian says before coming back and drying her hair. Maryanne sits infront of Ian as he drys her hair whilst watching whatever rubbish mickey had put on TV.

Once her hair was dry, she cuddled inbetween Ian and mickey on the sofa. When mickey looked over, both Ian and maryanne were fast asleep. He kissed ians lips to wake him up and lifted maryanne up

"Come on baby. Its time for bed" he said

"Baby?" Ian asks

"Not you, blondie" mickey snaps

"Aw. But I'm still your baby" Ian says

"Yes you are" mickey replies kissing Ian again. They put maryanne in her bed and kiss her goodnight before going to bed themselves

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