Chapter 11

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Chay woke up, his mind was running. He tried to sit up but his hands were tied onto the bed. His vision went back to normal.

He lay on a bed with white sheets. The room was well decorated with the only lights being a faint red light around the room. The window covered 3/5 of the room, Chay could just tell that they were incredibly high up.

Chay heard the door click open, his eyes shot to the door. The door swiftly opened. Kim came in, he slowly walked towards chay.

Kim wore a black button up shirt, the first 3 buttons undone. He was pulling up  leather gloves up his hands, then put it into his pockets.

He walked over to Chays side. He smiled at him, one of his wicked ones. Chay tried to move his hands around trying to get out of the grip, but the rope was way too tight.

Kim climbed ontop of Chay. Kims was in-between chays thighs. Kim slammed his hand to both of chays sides. Chay tried to talk but a cloth was deeply into his mouth.

Tears started too form in the corner of chays eyes, the salty tears started to run down his face. He shut his eyes tightly trying to get out of the situation.

"Dont cry, you'll be fine love"

Kim blurred out, his thumbs gliding across chays cheeks. His salty tears transferred onto kim. Chay slowly opened his eyes, kims face was inches away.

Porchay quickly moved his face to the side to avoid kims hungry gaze. However this made kim impatient. Kims hand grabbed chays head, forcefully making chay look at him.

"Look. At. Me."

Chays eyes were blurry due to the tears in his eyes. Kims hand traveled down to chays waist, his fingers crept under Chays shirt. Causing chay to get goosebumps.

Kim undone the cloth in chays mouth. Chay breathed quickly taking in huge amounts of air. Kims thumb creased chays bottom lip, the other hand pressed even harder on chays waist. Causing chay to make a low moan.

"Kim let me go!"

"No cant do sweetheart"

Chay started to viciously move around causing kim to hit his hand. He hissed at the sudden pain, this caused chay to smile a bit. Kim got off of Chay, and put his hands back into his pockets.

All that chay knew is kim wasnt happy, he looked like he would gladly strangle someone right this second. Then he heard the door open again, his eyes widen looking for hope.

Then Chays eyes widen even more, but this time in pure shock. His smile dropped, he almost let out a silent cry.

Pete walked in, blade in hand. He raised his eyebrow and smiled at the sigh. Kim looked at him and nodded, pete nodded back. Pete made his way to chay, Porchays eyes followed.

Pete tightly squeezed chays jaw, causing chay to let out a cry. Pete grinned even more and bent down, his eyes softened.

"Oh you poor thing, nobody is going to protect you. NOBODY!"

And with that shout chay felt a harsh slap on his cheek. The place where pete slapped him was slowly turning red by every second. Chay began to tear up again, he was unable to escape this. Pete continued.

"Now your going to be a good boy and do as we say, got that?"

Porchay slowly nodded, he didnt dare to say anything. Pete turned away from chay, facing kim he said something to kim. Kims eyes glided back to chay, his glare didnt leave even when pete was exiting the room.

Kim now had the blade and the power in his hands. He strode over to chay, playing with the blade. He towered over chay. Porchay shut his eyes, expecting to be slashed with the blade.

Instead he felt his hands go loose, he opened his eyes. Kim had cut the rope of Chays arms, freeing him. Porchay was speechless, he put his arms up to see if he wasn't dreaming. Kim helped him stand onto his feet.

Kim got close to Porchay and wispered quickly into his ear.

"I have to get you out of here quickly"

Kim grasped chays hand and dragged him to the door. They found themselves in a long corridor. Chay was still in shock, as he was being dragged to the exit.

The exit door was right infront of him, chay was breathing heavily. Chay looked at kim, kim nodded for chay to go. Chay understood quickly. He ran to the exit. Kim right behind him, making sure there was nothing behind them.

Chay twisted the door knob swiftly, surprisingly there were no guards outside. Chay suddenly turned back to kim.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because i could, now get out of here before pete sees this"

They both went through the door, kim shut it behind him. In kim's hands he already had car keys ready. Chay suddely  heard a bang, kim felt a sharp paing in his left leg.

Chay turned around to see vegas, gun in hand with the most deadly expression on his face. He walked towards kim and Chay, 16 guards behind him. Including kinn, porsche amd Tankhun.

Porchay without even realising it, shouted for the top of his lungs. Something which made vegas stop in shook at the start of the stairs.

"Hey! Hey, stop put the gun down vegas!"

Vegas slowly put the gun, his knuckles turning white from the grip. Vegas put his hand up signaling for the guards to put there guns down.

Kim put his hand on the scar, trying to stop the bleeding. Chay rushed over to help kim, chay knew this angered vegas. But it was the least he could do.

Chay stopped, he stopped breathing. He felt like something sharp and cold pressed against his neck. Pete had chay under control, a blade pressed against chays neck. Blood was dripping down.

Pete had a blade around chays neck, his other arm holding chays hands together.
The 16 guards put there guns back up and vegas did the same. Kim hissed in pain, and tried to grab pete but failed.

Pete spoke clearly, sending a death glare to vegas. Pete's hand tightened around Chays neck, the blade cut even deeper.

"You know what i want, after ill give you Porchay, its your choice vegas..."

Vegas thought for a moment, Chay cried at the pain. Vegas gulped, he tightened his grip and put his gun down. Vegas spoke, his chest tightened.

"Ill meet you at midnight right here, make sure you keep our promise"

"Or else ill fucking end you by myself"


Im so sorry for making pete a villain😭😭😭

It just fits into the story😭😭

--baii ⭐💛

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