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Jen POV-

After Jacobi's I decided to start heading home because it was getting late. It took some convincing to get Spot to let me go home, but I eventually did.

"At least let me walk ya home." he said

"Ok fine.Lets go." I whined and he glared at me

"Wait what about my clothes." I said as we reached the Brooklyn bridge.

"Do we really have to go back?" he whined

"Yes Spot I dont know what my father would do if I showed up in these clothes. No offense." I said seriously

"Cant ya just sneak in through ya window and come back tomorrow and get em" he said exhausted

"No I- well I guess I could....."

"Good. Now lets go I'm tired."


It took us about twenty minutes to get to my house. It would've been shorter if we hadnt dallied and talked the whole time. Once we got there I saw the light on in my father's window.

"Thanks for the good time Spot. I missed you." I said quietly and he nodded

"Youse should come over the bridge more often" he said and I smiled

"Night Liam." I said quietly and he smirked softly.

"Night Jen." he said before walking off

"Oh and Jen?" he paused turning around to face me


"I missed ya too." he said before walking off again

I smiled remembering the picture he had of us in his room. Remembering it was late, I hopped over the fence and started climbing the fire escape. I slipped in through my window with ease. I slid the newsie clothes off and threw my nightgown on. I folded the clothes and hid them under my bed for tomorrow.

Quietly, I slipped under the covers remembering old times.


Hey guys!! Its SUMMER BREAK! Well at least for me it is. Sorry bout the short chapter. It was a filler :) Till next time my lovelies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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