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Start from the beginning

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just..." She trailed off, looking down the hall. "I have such an odd case of Deja Vu." She admitted. "I'm going to go check on him. If we are both heading to Vaniville maybe I can do something to help him once he's home." Serena said, hopeful to help the man who had helped her.

"We'll be right here if you need us." "Pika." Ash and Pikachu say to their friend as she walks down the hall towards Will's room.

"Will?" Serena called out, knocking on the door. The door was slightly ajar, her knocking opening it further. She hesitated for a moment, "Will?" She peaked inside to see no one in there, despite swearing he had walked this way. Perhaps he was in another room somewhere. She was going to continue on, before something caught her eye. She hesitated more, unsure on how to react, double guessing what it was she had seen. Having to convince herself she miss seen, she carried on, opening the door and walking inside. In the middle of the desk, was a journal which sat next to a picture of someone she couldn't not know.

"Mom?" She said aloud to herself, very confused. It was an older picture, a signed autograph from one of her races. Serena, overcome with confusion, looked over at a crumpled piece of paper, which looke ripped out of a journal, that was thrown on the floor. She couldn't help herself, she had to go further down this hole, she picked it up and slowly unfolded the paper unsure what she would find within it. She read, nonetheless.

Truthfully, I don't remember any of my early life. My parents, my home, even my name is lost to me. Who I was before, I probably will never know, who it was I was supposed to be. Nothing before the memory of an orphanage, never to know why I was there. I remember this, and you would think it brings sadness to me. No. It doesn't. Whoever the boy was before doesn't matter, that boy was given a new name. That name, is the one that matters.

As far as my memory knows, I was always an orphan. I ran away from that place often, not for freedom, but pure curiosity. Wanting to explore the wide world outside my window. See the amazing creatures waiting outside for me to encounter. I was stuck waiting to have a family like in all the books I read, and was assured would come. They brought me back of course, but they couldn't hold me. Time and time again, I found adventure in the smallest ways. My memory is fuzzy, as childhood often is, but I can't say it was a horrible life.

One day, I ran away once again, planning where I would go, what I would see before I was found. By per chance, I ran into a little girl. She had been separated from her mother in the busy city streets, scared and alone, just as I had always been.

I truly did nothing of note. The story is really quite as simple as that. I helped her, I kept her safe, I found her mother. I did what anyone should've done. What many others if they had realized before me would've. The right thing. She couldn't have been gone for more than minutes, seconds even. Like a quick panicked glance when something isn't exactly where you expected it to be, yet I saw them reunite, so grateful to have one another again. It would be a lie to say jealousy didn't flow through me, but I was happy at the same time. Helping someone, was genuinely its own reward. However in this case, I got more than I ever deserved.

The mother thanked me, grateful for me. Offered to bring me home and express her thankfulness to my parents. I tried to deny, not in a hurry to return, but she insisted. I didn't know how to refuse. Brought me back to the Orphanage she did, to the mother's surprise of course. I thought I would be stuck inside even longer that time, further lockdown, but it was the opposite. The kind woman came back. She came back, to bring me with her. To be a part of her family. That girl I helped, became my dear little sister. I finally had a family to call my own. A mother and sister to love. I was so happy.

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