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Yoshan East Diaz

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Yoshan East Diaz

“Motherfucka, you think ‘cause you got that fat bitch that shit done change! Please, yo’ ass will be back like always! But in the meantime don’t think you're gon’ be gettin’ your key cuz you're not!” Tiffany yelled, as I got dressed. I've been here for three days now and I was tired of the bitch. 

“Tiff, that’s my key and yes the fuck I will be getting that motherfucka. Try me if you want and see how real shit gets for you.”

“Is that a threat, motherfucka? Are you threatening me? Let me pick up the gotdamn phone right now and call the fuckin’ police so I can let them know my baby daddy is threatening me

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“Is that a threat, motherfucka? Are you threatening me? Let me pick up the gotdamn phone right now and call the fuckin’ police so I can let them know my baby daddy is threatening me.” I give that bitch an evil glare.

“Put that phone down! And you can stop with this baby daddy crap. You aborted that baby 3 years ago, so you can kill that shit.” I holler.


Later that night Yoshan pulled up at the house and he noticed there weren’t any lights on. That was unusual because normally Amelia kept every light on in the crib. She was afraid of being alone in the middle of the night. Her ass was so damn paranoid because I was in the game that she even got my little man Angel afraid of being alone in the house at night. But if you ask me, I think the real reason she's afraid of being alone is because her father was in the game and he got killed. That was the reason her ass gave me such a hard time in the beginning because she never wanted to be with a nigga that was in the game, but I swept her off her feet.

When I marched through the door, I became infuriated when I didn’t see any signs of Amelia or my seed. I hurried to the bedrooms to see if she or my son was in there and when I saw that her ass wasn’t in there. My heart dropped, like literally my heart fucking dropped. I couldn’t believe all her shit was gone. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe this bitch left me while I was away. Damn, I knew I fucked up by trusting her to do what I said. My nerves were so bad I picked up the lamp off the nightstand and threw it against the wall causing it to shatter. Glass went everywhere and made me furious because now it was a mess I had to clean up.

I started calling Amelia’s cellphone, getting nothing but the voicemail. I tried to call myself down so I sat down on the bed and tried to think where her ass could’ve gone because she didn’t have a lot of family close by. That's when I thought about her address book on the nightstand and found her mothers new address. I found it. I just knew that's where her ass was. Me and her moms used to be cool until I started putting my hands on her daughter which is understandable.

I sat down and thought about what I needed to do to get her and my son back here

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I sat down and thought about what I needed to do to get her and my son back here. I jumped up and paced the floor rubbing my hands through my messy bun. I was fuming. Nah, I was fucking pissed the fuck off because I kept calling her phone, and I know her ass saw me calling. Amelia ass lucky I don't go to her mother's house and drag her ass back here kicking and screaming. However, I'm a patient man. I'mma gave her a week to come to her senses and bring her ass back home. The more I thought about it, the more I was getting tired of her immature ways. Amelia knew this was forever type shit there was no leaving unless it was in a body bag and at this point it's looking like she's going to be leaving in the body bag if she doesn't bring her ass back home.

As the hours went by, I started to feel guilty for putting my hands on my future wife last night. And it wasn’t just that one time. It had happened repeatedly. Here I was, becoming the type of man I used to hate when I was growing up. I remember what I used to think when I saw my father putting his hands on my mother. I just knew that it would never be me doing that. And I despised him for it. Now, here I was. Being that person that I despised. The one that I always said was less than a man for using his hands on someone smaller and weaker than him. Shit, I needed to figure out a way to get my anger and infidelity in check. I knew that there was nothing that Amelia did to deserve me putting my hands on her.

I had a great fiance. She was gorgeous and thick as hell. She dressed fly as shit and always carried herself well. Educated and sexy. She kept it cracking in the bedroom for me, too. She cooked and cleaned and all that good shit. I ain’t have a reason to be mad at Amelia. None. It was when I became frustrated with other shit in my life that I took it out on her. If my workers fucked up, if I lost money, or if I was just in a bad damn mood. She was the closest person to me. She was the one I hurt the most. Even though it was wrong. Every time I would be my fiance Melia would ball up on the side of the king- sized bed softly crying. And let's not talk about the marks I would leave on her beautiful body, red marks that I had left on her shoulders coming through.

“Fuck…” I said to myself, shaking my head in disappointment at what I had done.

I decided that I was going to take a shower. I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face along with adding deodorant and lotion to my body, I threw on some sweats and my Air Force Ones. Grabbing my wallet, I glanced over at the empty side up the bed one last time before I left to head to the store. I stopped by the florist and ordered two dozen roses in rainbow colors. I know how much she loved flowers and bright colors. I wanted to make her feel a little bit better if I could. I knew she would be feeling the aftereffects of what I had done. She would forgive me though. I knew this because she always did. Amelia had loved me for years; flaws and all. I had tried to put my best foot forward with her. I really did. I had changed when my status in the drug game changed tho. I said fuck it. That shit was stressful too, trying to make everything look legit. I guess you could call me the Vito Genovese of my hood. I dressed nice and had businesses, but the money came through those businesses to be cleaned. And we are doing great now. I could afford to give Amelia anything she wanted. There was no need for her to do anything but take care of our home and my son.

What was more fucked up is that I didn’t even remember a lot of what happened last night. I usually blacked out from rage when I would get upset and began to beat on her. I was afraid that one day, I would wake back up and she would be lying there, lifeless. I needed to get my shit together. First, I needed to make sure that Amelia understood just how much I loved her. So much that I refused to live without her. I would give her the flowers and promise to try and do better.


What's up y'all 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽 I'm back with another chapter. I hope y'all enjoyed this one. Please leave a like and  a comment. once again excuse any errors that maybe in the story and I hope y'all have a blessed day

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