Fed up

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My chest was aching, something terrible, as tears emerged in my eyes. I tried so hard to remain positive, hope for the best, and wait patiently for God. But… nothing. Monday morning came and I wasn’t mentally or physically prepared to make it through the day. Not after the night I had with Yoshan.  I wanted to lie in bed and rethink the night before, but I knew that was an impossible thought.  It was still early, but I wanted to get up and get breakfast started for Angel. Still can't believe he smacked me again, but this time, I hit his ass back. We fought until he got tired of hitting me.

I turned and looked at him sleeping peacefully in the bed. That shit irks my nerves. This man just beat my ass like I was a nigga on the streets. I walked to the bathroom to look at the damage he’d done to my face. When I looked in the mirror, I shook my head as the tears rolled down my face.

I was tired of this shit and didn’t understand why the man that I loved was doing this to me and why the hell I stayed with him. I guess it was because when he wasn’t hitting me, he was the perfect guy. I took care of my hygiene then tried to put on heavy make-up to hide the black eyes. If I didn't, Yoshan would get mad as hell telling me I wanted people to feel sorry for me. I learned that shit the hard way and I never made that mistake again. I got dressed in some loose jogging pants and a big t-shirt then headed to the kitchen to prepare to make us some breakfast. While my back was turned, Yoshan walked up on me and put his arms around me.  He kissed my neck and whispered in my ear. “Meli, I hate when you make me put my hands on you.” I sighed, and pushed him off of me.

“Yoshan, save all of that shit you talking about. How can I make you put your hands on me? You're doing that yourself. All I know is I’m getting tired of it.

“Maybe your ass should move smart out here in these streets, Meli.”

Before I cooked breakfast. I moped in the kitchen, Yoshan was still on the phone drinking an energy drink. I washed my hands and pulled out the bacon and eggs. Before I could get started Yoshan got off the phone and told me he wouldn’t be eating. So, I  put the food back up and made Me and Angel a bowl of cereal. After he finished talking, he told me he wouldn’t be back until later that night. Yoshan told me that I better stay inside, and the house should be cleaned from top to bottom by the time he got home.

I promised everything would be done, but as soon as I heard Yoshan back out the driveway, I  got into action. I hurried to the bedroom and started packing Me and Angel shit. This was the perfect time to get away from his crazy demented ass. Yoshan was a real piece of work; I didn’t understand how such a good-looking man could be so evil. He was what some would call a controlling narcissist and I was sick of the things he had done to me in front of Angel. I'll be damned if I let my son grow up to be anything like his father. He treated me like I was his 2-year-old son, instead of his woman. He even isolated me from my family and friends, and The only time I get to see them is when I'm working at the shop. The crazy part was they all lived in the same town. I put up with that shit long as I could. I had to take the opportunity to run. I was breathing heavily as I moved around the house grabbing most of Angel things. There was no way to get all our stuff in that short of time frame, but I got what I could. As I moved along the house all I could think about was how every room in that cold ass place held some horrible memory for me. As I dashed back to the living room Angel called out to me.

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