Forever and Always Bradford Bad Boi {A One Direction Fan fiction} Completed

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    Hey Vas Happenin?! This is my first story, so I hope u like it. Please no one steal any of my characters, by characters I mean Anastasia. Please comment and vote. If u need anything or just wanna talk message me! Well thank you for reading love you. The Sequal to this story is called "I've Screwed up Bradford Bad Boi"

    My name is Anastasia Liberty Vans. I'm the girlfriend of Louis Tomlinson. He is in the British\Irish boy band, One Direction. The other boys' names are; Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne. We have all been in our own little world since the day all hope was lost, a day that none of us would ever forget.


  The boys had just received the message that their Take Me Home album went platinum. They were all running around screaming, this was no surprise. Harry was jumping up and down on my black leather couch, his brown curls falling in his face, covering his sparkly green eyes that were almost always filled with excitement, Louis in his navy blue and white striped shirt, red jeans which were rolled at the bottom and to top his out fit off he had TOMS on, I worry about the boy sometimes. He was trying to dance, which we all know he couldn't, but that’s what made it funny, Liam was texting his family to let them know that their album went platinum, Niall was roaming in my cabinets looking for food, and I was sitting by Zayn on the couch, while he was trying to talk me into getting a tattoo. Though Louis is twenty-one, Zayn is twenty, Liam will turn twenty in August, Niall will turn twenty in September, and Harry just turned nineteen about a month ago, they mostly acted like 5 year olds. "Congrats, boys", I said standing up and smiling. "We couldn't have done it without you, Stage!", they all screamed hugging me tight. Stage is one of my nicknames. "No it was all you boys." I said, hugging them back. "You're wrong about that," Zayn  said, "We couldn't have done it without our wonder voice coach, you. " He and I were the closest, aside from Louis and me, of course. Zayn and I grew up together, we had the same birthday, January 12, 1993, I was five minutes older than him and he hated it, because I used it against him all the time. We were born at the same hospital, our rooms were a cross the hall from each other, so you could say that we've always had a connection. "And, you helped us write most of our songs." Harry chimed in, bringing my back to Earth. He was my second best friend. "Where is Kevin?, Kevin!", Louis asked/shouted. Kevin is Louis's pet pigeon. The pigeon isn't even real, but I love him anyways."I don't know,Lou,I haven’t seen him." I replied. "Hey,I'm hungry, can you cook?"Niall asked. "Sure, Nialler,what do you want to eat?” I asked him. “Surprise me",Niall replied.

  We had just gotten finished eating the tacos that I had cooked. We were all at Harry's,Lou's,and my flat. Yeah,Harry had lived with Lou before I moved in. Who could blame him, that is his best friend. "C'mon cause I know what I like, and you're looking just like my type...." Zayn's phone sang. It was "C'mon" by Ke$ha. I totally stole his phone and set it as his ring tone. "Vas Happenin?" Zayn said as he answered his phone. His face went from overjoyed and excieted,to just KILL ME NOW. Zayn ran out of my flat crying. "Zayn,sweetie,what's wrong?!" I screamed running after him, gah he was fast he was 5'9 and I was only 5'4. I hate being short. He just kept running. All the boys' flats weren't even 100 yards from each other, so it didn't take that long to get to his flat.

 "Zayn open the door," I said knocking on the smooth black wooden door. "Zayn.." I said once again. “Fine we'll do it the Stage way then."  I said as I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. Zayn was curled up in a ball, sobbing on the floor. I dropped to my knees, putting a bruise on my left knee, I started rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. " Zayn?" I asked, "What's wrong?"  It really hurt me to see him like this.  "Safaa s-s-she is d-dead", he said sobbing even harder. "Oh my gosh Zayn, I'm so sorry what happened?", I asked. "S-s-she was i-in a c-c-car crash w-with one of h-h-her friend", he choked out. Safaa was Zayn's little sister. I was now crying too, I had met the little girl a couple of times, she was so sweet. Zayn sat up and pulled me into his lap, we were now both crying in each others arms. "Zayn l-l-look at the b-b-bright side she's in a bet-t-t-t-ter place n-now", I said putting a fake smile on my face. "Y-y-y-your right", Zayn said trying to smile. We stayed like that for two hours. "Sorry Zayn, I gotta go, call me if you need me", I said kissing him on the cheek. "Thanks for everything Stage", Zayn said smiling. "No problem Bradford Bad Boi", I said walking out the door, as he let out a small laugh from the mention of his nickname. I ran back to my, Harry, and Lou's flat. I opened the door to find four worried boys looking up at me. I sat down and explained what had happened to Zayn, after I was done, the boys looked at me in shocked. "I would give Zayn some space for a few days", I said as the boys nodded in agreement. Around ten the boys that didn't live here left. "Stage babe are you alright?", Lou asked me. "Yeah just worried about Zayn", I replied. "He's a Bradford Bad Boi, he's tough, he'll get through it",Louis said smiling.  "Love you Stage goodnight," Louis said as he gave me a kiss.  "Night, love you too Lou", I said as he walked upstairs. I decided to sleep on the couch tonight.

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