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Have you ever wondered what will happen once your out of this world or six feet under? It's complicated to understand but we have no other choice then to embrace the fact we won't be able to know. Like,is your family members or friends will mourn your death?

We'll have to accept that we would never know.

But what if you were in another dimension or another alternate universe where you realise, you're might not be the original or just a clone of the original. If you were the original isn't just creepy knowing there's other you in a different universe and timeline.

It's weird to think that. It might be possible or might not be possible for alternate universe to exist. As for,we have not uncover the whole universe's truth. Sometimes,it is better of to not know.

What if it's true?
And you're just happen to be in one?

-end prologue-
And this my child,is why you don't drink coffee that much

-sincerely your author,nightygale

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