♥17♥ I couldn't care less

Start from the beginning

"Tip off!"

Natsuhi was unable to get the first tip off, making the other team laugh.

"You tiny Japanese girls should stick to arranging flowers!" One of the girls mocked openly in English. She grabbed the ball and was about to start running with it but Shiki gallantly ran towards her and jabbed the ball out of her hold. Fuyu managed to get the ball and she used her drive to keep moving forward.

'Their defense is very tight, they're almost as good as we are...' Fuyu threw the ball up for Natsuhi to use her Full Court Launch. However, Natsuhi's throw was blocked easily.

Watching the match, Kobori was worried about the blonde girl.

"Tsuyu-san's shot..."

"Ah. The other team is tall like her so of course they can easily block the shot." Kasamatsu said to him. 'What will you do, Hakanai?'

Shiki was marked by two taller players and they were mocking her height. They complimented her for her speed but she's still useless if she cannot break through their two-man defense and steal the ball.

"Don't underestimate me..." The moment the foreign girls blinked, Shiki was already out of their defense. "I couldn't care less if you're the size of a behemoth, your size is nothing to me." Shiki replied in English.

"I see..." Kasamatsu smirked with confidence, "Shukuchihō..."

"Shukuchihō?" Kise asked.

"It is a martial arts technique, refers to a sudden movement into an enemy's space or blind spot to attack. In Hakanai's case, she is skilled enough to watch the timing of her opponent's blinking and she moved in an instant, creating an illusion of teleporting to her opponents."

"It's kind of like Kurokocchi's misdirection." Kise smiled.

'You really are amazing, Hakanai...' He thought to himself.

Shiki may be able to steal the ball with ease but it meant nothing if she or her teammates were unable to score.

Seven minutes into the game and neither team were able to score. The Yamato Nadeshiko girls were able to block all of Aozora's shots while Aozora returned the favor with Shiki's steals. Even when Shiki and Harumi teamed up to steal the ball and pass it to Akina or Natsuhi, the shots were still blocked.

During a time out, Harumi was annoyed.

"Ahh! I wanna score already! Shiki-senpai, I should-"

"No, don't you dare go into Half-zone." Harumi's the emergency ace! They can't play it yet!

"At this rate the first quarter will end without anyone scoring..." Natsuhi looked at the audience to see them cheering; both teams may not be scoring but they have gotten excited by the fact a team full of small girls can take on girls that seemed like a tower. She saw Kobori from where she was and smiled.

Natsuhi noticed Akina and Fuyu looking down and she pointed at the boys for them. Their smiles returned and they listened to what Shiki have to say.

"Hey, Fuyu." Shiki called out, "Let's practice dunking."

Shiki smirked, "We will score before the first quarter ends. I will not let them look down on us."

After the short break, the game resumed. The foreign girls were unable to even raise their arms and shoot the ball because Shiki will always jab it away before it's out of her reach. Her reaction was too fast for them.

Yamato Nadeshiko's female coach was fuming, shouting at her girls to get the ball and score.

Fuyu was given a chance to get to the basket. At once, two of the girls were already blocking her. Fuyu did not look back at all and she did an underarm pass to Akina.

"I am fucking bored..." Akina said in English. She faked a normal three pointer because she was marked so she passed it to Harumi without looking. Harumi easily did a three-pointer and the ball went in with a swish.

The first quarter ended and Aozora took it without haste.

"YEAH!!!" Kise shot up from his seat and pumped a fist in the air, "Senpai, you did it!!" He was hit in the jewel's crown because Kasamatsu was surprised by his sudden over the top cheer.

"Moron! Don't be so loud!"

"Woaaaaahhhhh! That is amazing teamwo(r)k!"

"Hayakawa, don't make so much noise by my ear!" Kasamatsu hit him too.

Kobori cheered too, along with the crowd. He looked at Moriyama to see a small smile on his face. When Moriyama realized he was smiling, he coughed and tried to make a poker face but failing to do so.

"I don't understand English so I will say it in Japanese: We won't lose!" Harumi announced while making the middle finger, "Basketball is for everyone to play, small or big!"

Shiki smiled at Harumi's words. Seeing the smile on her Senpai's face, Harumi continued.

"And if we compare sizes, Shiki-senpai and Natsuhi-senpai's boobs won't lose to you!"

"Harumi, come here and let me have a little talk..." Shiki dragged the pink haired girl to her...


The 2nd quarter started and the foreign girl glared at Akina.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" The very tall girl knew she will be fouled out but she didn't care at all.


"AKINA!!" Moriyama stood up from his seat and called out her name. His anger for her completely wiped away because there was a part of him who still cared about her.

The foreign girl managed to hit her with the ball. She managed to hit Shiki with the ball. The foreign girl smirked; getting rid of Shiki will give their team a boost.

Shiki pushed Akina out of the way and took the hit...

"Senpai!" Harumi watched in horror as Shiki fell to the floor.

"Shiki?!" Akina was stunned that she didn't know what to say, "Shiki! Shiki!"

"Shiki!" Natsuhi and Fuyu ran over to Shiki too.

Natsuhi brushed a bit of Shiki's hair out of the way to see an open wound on top of her right eye.

'Hakanai...!' Kasamatsu got up from his seat all of a sudden, running off to see her.

'Hakanai!' What was this overwhelming feeling of worry?


A/N: Hey there everyone, this is Mi-chan :) How are you all? Since this is my first fic where all the team member has a girl of their choice, I was wondering if you, the readers, have anything you would like me to improve on with this fic.

I am wondering if you guys are okay with this fic being slow paced with the romance too (I don't know why I can't speed romance between characters up XD). Anyway, if there is anything you want me to improve, please leave a comment for me.

Thank you - Mi-chan <3

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