Chapter 5: Part 2: Fishing

Start from the beginning

"Surfing is my thing... fishing is not really." she replies simply, gaze drifting to him. "Bet you and your dad went fishing all the time, right?" she hums, uninterested... the thought of Ward always made her stomach feel woozy and want to turn.

She's too distracted watching the line, she doesn't exactly feel the change in atmosphere her question had weathered into...

Rafe looks away- his features morphing from relaxed to becoming tight. It's like her question had brought on air of strain and tension she hadn't anticipated- like something broke in Rafe- like something dark and heavy began to want to loom over him. It finally comes to Ki that she shouldn't have mentioned anything remotely to do with his dad- at least not so soon after he'd passed...

The tension was palpable with all the silence.

She may have overstepped..?- are her thoughts. She feels like maybe she'd done something wrong...?

"Sorry- I probably shouldn't have- sorry- Rafe I know you just lost him- and maybe I should not have brought any of that up-"

He clears his throat, clearing the knot that had formed.

"Nah- nah- Ki." he tries to regain his voice, his tone a little flat and deep. He clears his throat again. "You asked me a question-" his eyes roll away, and then back, tired- drained with everything he were feeling. "...and yeah- me and my dad went fishing- so yeah." he plays with his hands, trying to keep his mind together- his brows pulled together and face darkening- his mind strained with thoughts as they whirl around in his mind, and he looks down at his hands. "I mean-" he laughs softly but bitterly. "Very rarely. And mainly when he wanted something out of me I guess... so while they were good times, I couldn't say they were all that great either."

Ki watches him sadly.

"Fuck- sorry- I shouldn't have brought that shit up-" he says quickly- getting up onto his feet, groaning loudly- anger building within him- he pulls himself up over the side- walks away- making his way toward the gallery, and climbs the stairs.

She stands there with the rod in her hand... thinking about his reaction... also wondering if he would come back... if she should just cast the rod away?... What the hell just happened-

But he can't just expect to walk away like that- leave her not knowing what to do next..?

"You can't just ask me to do this and leave..." she yells over her shoulder, peeved. She waits for his reply... but gets none. "Rafe." she grunts. "This was your idea- what do I do? Should I put the rod away-" she stops as she sees him reappear-

He lights up a smoke as he climbs down the stairs, lifting the bud to his mouth, taking in a long drag before exhaling slowly, holding the smoke between two fingers. His face appeared more relaxed- a small smile curling on his face as his eyes came to meet hers... intrigued at how she was looking at him- eyes glinting- wide with curiosity.. maybe a little jealous- he thinks. He continues trudging to the end of the stairs, and wanders over as he continues on watching her. He stops beside her- his shoulder barely brushing hers.

"You want one?" he smirks- already holding his out for her to take- knowing perfectly well it wasn't really a question. She watches him with a small inquisitive smile as she proceeds to take it from his hand... eyes flicking over his face before she holds it to her mouth- and begins to draw it in.

He muffles a laugh, eyeing her.

"For a moment there- I forgot how much you love sharing a joint." he watches her amused.

He takes another out, rummaging in his pocket for his lighter- and then brings it up toward his mouth- toward the bud he pinches between his mouth- and lights it up. He takes in a long, slow drag, inhaling it- letting it burn his lungs- and then slowly releasing the smoke- his head feeling a little light, he rubs at his temple.

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