He shakes his dark hair out of his face. The more I look at him. Eden and Jax are like fire and ice. Polar opposites. If you mess around with them it'll all feel. A hot burning sensation that feels like it'll never go away.

"Don't worry about it. A pretty girl should never have to carry such heavy things." He says while grinning.

I glance back at the mirror on the wall. "Pretty?" I question. All the dark thoughts seem to come alive once again.

"Yes, pretty. Don't look so glum," he chuckles. The corners of my mouth turn up slightly. "Where have you been anyway?" He asks.

I just want to pretend the whole trip never happened. "A vacation with my family." I sigh and we continue walking.

"Those are always... eventful." I snicker at that.

We make it to my dorm. My hand pauses before it can reach the handle. I take a sharp inhale. I wonder if I even want to see what's on the other side. Whether it's worth the torment.

"Are you going to open it? Or are we just going to stand out here all day?" Jax laughs behind me. For a second I forgot he was there.

I shake my head and plaster a fake smile on my face. "Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking." I mutter before twisting the key in the knob and pushing the door open.

The place is dark and cold. No signs of life. What did I expect? Him to be sitting there waiting for my return? That's wishful thinking.

Jax places my bags on the ground. "Thank you," I say smiling.

He grins right back and shakes his head. "I'm not sure how to feel about this new attitude of yours."

I roll my eyes. "Don't get used to it."

His head swivels around the room. "Where's Eden?"

My stomach drops at the sound of his name. "How should I know?" I ask defensively. I immediately wish I didn't show any emotion.

Jax raises a brow. "Maybe because you're roommates?" He scoffs.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't keep tabs on him."

Jax raises a brow in question. "Never said you did, sweetheart." His suspicious expression makes me groan.

"Do you wish to leave a message?" I ask. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"No, I'll survive." His palm rest against the doorjamb, holding his weight. "Should I expect to see you at school tomorrow?" He asks.

I think I've been gone long enough, but I know the rumors won't stop. "I'll be there," I say biting the inside of my cheek.

He sighs and pushes off the door. "Okay, hot stuff. I'll see you around." He tosses a wink before he steps out into the hallway.


My alarm goes off. I will myself out of bed. The hot water rushes down my back. I drink a cup of coffee. I follow all the steps I usually do, but everything feels different. I feel like I'm sneaking around my apartment. Tiptoeing around Eden.

I heard him get home late last night. This morning I haven't heard him move around at all. I wonder if he's going to avoid me like the plague. I plan on doing that.

I leave at my regularly scheduled time and head off to class. The whole time Eden never emerged from his room. So I escaped the dorm unscathed.

My cherry red heels click on the cement as I approach the huge doors of Highland University, where not too long ago I got mortified in front of all my peers. So here I am, putting my walls back up and hiding behind my red lipstick.

I enter through the doors and I can already feel the eyes boring into the side of my head. I fight the urge of booking it through the halls and hiding in a classroom. Instead, I choose to fake it till I make it. I straighten my spine and lift my chin.

Before I can even make it into my math class I'm stopped by my teacher. He puts a fake smile on his face and every little piece of confidence I pulled to the surface disappears. "Miss Brandy, you are requested in the Dean's office." He says and the air in my lungs constricts.

I gulp hard and nod my head. "Yes, sir," I say with sweaty palms. This is it. My reputation is tarnished. My vision turns hazy as I walk to the main office. I must look like a deer in headlights because the receptionist asks if I'm okay. I decline and she walks me to the Dean's office.

She knocks a few times and a strong, "You may come in," booms through the door. He smiles and me and gestures for me to sit. "Good morning, Miss Brandy." He says calmly.

"Good morning, sir," I answer politely.

He chuckles and intertwines his hands on top of the desk. "It is isn't it?" I nod once. His smile drops. "Do you know why you're here?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Not really." That's a lie. It's definitely because of the video. I'm just hoping it's because I've been absent. Deep down I know it's not.

"You're here because some photos have been passed around." There it is. My shoulders rise and tense. "After investigating the fight with Jax, Byron, and Eden. It has come to my intention that the real reason the fight happened wasn't because of just any girl, but you and the video."

My knee bounces under the desk. Tears spring to my eyes. "There are certain rules you must follow to be a part of the Student Body Committee. But considering you are a friend of Gemma's I'm willing to leave it off the record and let you resign respectfully."

Another punch to the gut. "What?" I ask in shock. "Resign?" I ask with a shaky voice.

His eyes bore into mine. They remain cold and unwavering. "I'm giving you till the end of the week before I put it on record and you will be removed from the committee whether you like it or not."

My vision blurs. "I understand."

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