I can't believe he threatened to send me away without my consent.

Chase: "We got evicted"


Charli: "we, what?"
Chase: "Charli what did you expect! The entire building could hear our party, the entire block could hear our party?? The place is destroyed and there's illegal drugs everywhere. I'm only surprised we haven't been sent back to America yet."

I can't believe this.

Chase: "this is just proving the point of the importance of going to rehab. Look at all the damage the drugs cost us"
Charli: "it wasn't my fault. It would've happened either way."

The places mess wasn't my fault. People bringing illegal drugs wasn't my fault. Why blame it on me.

Chase: "no it wouldn't have. We would have gotten a noise complaint and a warning but we wouldn't have gotten kicked out. But because you did drugs and overdosed, we didn't have the time to clean up or fix things so they came in and saw the destroyed apartment and they saw illegal drugs."

Okay that's probably the reason.

Charli: "okay. I'm sorry."

I can't believe this. I loved that place. Now we've been kicked out?

Charli: "guess we'll have to start looking again."

We won't find another place as good as that one for that Price.

Chase: "no, Il start looking and you'll go to rehab."

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "not happening."

Absolutely not happening.

Charli: "can I get out of here already? I don't like hospitals."

The doctor came inside the room and smiled at me

Dr.Tren: "you're awake"

I nodded

Charli: "I am"
Dr.Tren: "there were a lot of drugs in your system Charli. What were you thinking?"

Doesn't matter.

Dr.Tren: "so if you'd like to know what happened, here's the story. I looked at your blood tests and you had a large amount in cocaine and heroin in your body. As you know these two drugs have opposite effects on your body, so what do you think would happen if you mixed the two? Will your body get hyped up or will it slow down? None. Your body doesn't understand what is happening so you shut down. Your heart beats fast one second and slow the next, it doesn't understand so your heart stops beating all together. Your body wants to get rid of what's in your body so it vomits. Your body was confused and it didn't understand what to do or how to react so it shut down. Especially with the amount of heroin you had."

Snooze fest. Who cares.

Chase: "so is she okay? Is everything back to normal?"
Dr.Tren: "you'll have to see. Stay with her, see how she is"

I'm fine.

Chase: "what do you suggest we do?"
Dr.Tren: "we have multiple drug rehabilitation Centers across the city, that would be the first step"

No. They can't force me to go.

Charli: "I'm not a drug addict. Not anymore. It was an accident."


After I got out of the hospital. Chase brought me to a hotel, he said he moved all our stuff here while I was asleep. When we got into the hotel room he began packing my stuff.

Charli: "I swear to god. Put my stuff down. You can't make me go."

Well technically he can make me go. But he knows what'll happen if he sends me and I don't think he'd be willing to risk that.

Chase: "I'm not trying to be mean or make you hate me. I want you to get better."
Charli: "I am better! Why can't you believe me!"

Only I know if I'm better or not and I know that I'm better.

Chase: "why can't I believe you?"
He laughed loudly

Chase: "because you fucking almost died charli!"
Charli: "it was an accident!"

He nodded and laughed

Chase: "right! Right! An accident! You accidentally fell onto the coke right? And you accidentally sniffed it. And the heroin needle just accidentally fell into your arm? Yeah. That makes a whole lot of sense!"

That's not what I'm saying??

Charli: "No, I accidentally took too much?? Okay? Now stop bothering me about this. Let's just forget it ever happened."
Chase: "we can't just forget it happened?? Because if it happened again I'd blame myself for it"

Why does he blame himself for everything. I'm not a kid. I'm an adult. I can take care of myself.

Charli: "if you send me to rehab, this won't end well for us. I promise you"
Chase: "I just want you to be healthy!"

I am healthy!

Charli: "I'm leaving. You can't send me to rehab if you don't know where I am."

I began waking to the door. I opened the door but before I could leave he slipped in front of me and closed the door

Charli: "move."

He shook his head

Charli: "move out of the way you fucking asshole! I swear to god I will attack you if you don't let me ou-"
He pushed me against the door and kissed me

I pushed him off of me

Charli: "what the fuck is wrong with you!"

It was silent for a second

I grabbed him and kissed him again.

Il be mad later. Il put it on pause for right now.


That was the best sex of my life.

Thank the lords. We're fixed. The attraction is still there. Maybe now he won't send me off to rehab?

I looked over at him and he was asleep with his arms around my waist

Unfortunately. I knew what I had to do. He was gonna send me off to rehab no matter what. He'd rather lose me, than kill me.

When he wakes up. I will be gone.

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