Past is the past

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~Chapter 29~
                     Past is the past

Chases POV:
She was in love with me...? I feel horrible now? Even worse then I did before?? I can't believe this. I am so confused. I only knew her for one night? How could she fall in love with me so quick?

I feel terrible. I was her first love? Me? I slept with her and then abandoned her in the morning. As much as I love the thought of being the first guy she ever loved, I hate that I stole that from her.

I feel like shit. I was an asshole. God. Every day I wish I stayed, made her breakfast. Asked her out. Dated her. Maybe then we'd still be together now. She would have been pregnant with my biological child. We would have raised it together.

But I left and that decision completely changed my life.
Who knew how much of an impact one decision could make.

Chase: "I'm really sorry"

She shrugged like it was no big deal but I could tell it had some impact on her

Charli: "people make mistakes... the past is the past"

I guess so...

Charli: "it doesn't matter now anyway... you're with me now."

It sorta does matter now because if I would have stayed with her then, I wouldn't have been engaged now.

Charli: "anyways. Tell me about you. I want to know all the stuff"

Really? After she just told me that?

Chase: "are you sure-"
Charli: "I'm okay now chase. It's been 8 years. Yeah it hurt for a long time but I'm completely good now."


Chase: "well... as you know when I was 10 I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. Going to school was difficult considering I was the kid with the brain tumor, who walked funny, had seizures in school, I had bad headaches and I vomited a lot at school. I was an outcast and I got bullied a lot. I developed really bad depression and People bullied me for that too. How much worse could it get? I was a kid getting bullied because I was dying. It took 6 years for my parents to find a Surgeon who had a plan for me. So when I was 16 I was cured. We decided to move to a different school and start fresh."

It's a bit hard to remember that time specifically. The brain tumor affected my memory so till 16, I can barley remember anything but the basics.

Chase: "anyways, once I got to a new school, that's when I started to actually get... attractive I guess? All the girls started to like me. I was flattered and I wasn't used to the attention. I got a girlfriend, her name was Elizabeth. I called her Liz. She was my first girlfriend and at first I treated her great. We fell in love and everything was great until I let my ego get too high because every girl wanted me. I started to think I was better then her so I treated her like shit. We broke up. A few days later I had another girlfriend. Then another. Then another. I was such a shit boyfriend that I don't even remember their names. After I got tired of girlfriends, I just started sleeping with everyone Instead of dating. I continued to do that all through high school and college. I somehow went from the Nerd with a brain tumor to the biggest asshole in the school. I went from the boy who got bullied to the bully."

I regret it all. Maybe if I hadn't let my ego get so big id have good grades and id have a job right now.

Charli: "damn. You really were an asshole."


Chase: "but one day when I was in college, I had just failed an important test. I pretended like I didn't care but it got the the point where I was almost failing everything. I went to a bar that night and I saw a girl. I knew the second I saw her, I'd be taking her home. She was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen in my entire life."

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