Miao Anjun turned his head fiercely, only to see a fascinating blood flower blooming on Lin Haoyan's chest and falling down.

"Xiaojun, cough, cough, cough" The pale Lin Haoyan clutched Miao Anjun tightly and tried his best to say something. He struggled unwillingly, "Xiaojun, take good care of me" himself, and I love you.

Before he finished speaking, he lost his strength, and he gripped Miao Anyun's hand tightly, and slipped weakly.

Miao Anjun's brain was blank, and he didn't even know how he took Lin Haoyan to the hospital afterwards.

When he recovered, he was already sitting at the door of the emergency room of the hospital, accompanied by Xia You You, who was embarrassed.

Why can he stand in front of him without hesitation? Miao Anjun couldn't understand it anyway.

The lights in the rescue room went out

Miao Anjun stood up reflexively and greeted the doctor.

These white angels wearing masks shook their heads in silence. Lin Haoyan, who was pushed into the rescue room a few hours ago, was pushed out again, but his whole body was covered by a white cloth.

The best doctor can't save it again?

Miao Anjun only felt that there was a sudden void in his heart. He leaned against the white wall with his eyes absent, almost unsteady. A familiar feeling flooded into his heart, as if his mother had felt when he left him more than ten years ago.


Miao Anjun seems to be unable to accept the fact that his friend has died, and sometimes he even feels that Lin Haoyan is still with him.

Within a few months, Miao Anjun became thin and pale. Xia Youyou felt extremely distressed when he looked at him like this, and kept persuading him to accept reality. Cousin Yu Caishan also persuaded him. Even the schoolmates were persuading him.

But Miao Anjun neither nodded nor shook his head, he was more silent and colder than before. He stopped communicating with people until one day--

Xia Youyou was pleasantly surprised to find that he seemed to finally come out of the shadow of his friend dying for him, and he smiled and greeted her.



Xia Youyou sat in the cafe, looking at the delicate clocks on the wall with some sweetness. It has been a long time since that incident, and it seemed that both her and Miao Anjun had forgotten it. She and Miao Anjun are getting closer and closer, and Miao Anjun seems to have a good impression of her and take good care of her.

She looked towards the door for a long time, and finally saw a tall figure.

"Miao Anyun, here!" She waved at him.

As soon as Miao Anjun sat down, she spoke in a gentle tone: "What can I do, long time?"

"It's a very important thing" Xia Youyou smiled shyly.

"Let's talk about anything, I'll still have something to do in a while." Miao Anjun glanced at the watch inexplicably, urging Xia Youyou.

"I really can't stand your piece of wood!" Xia Youyou glared at him angrily, "Are you not going to confirm the relationship with me?"

"Huh?" Miao Anjun, who looked at the information, raised his head, his tone a little confused, "Yoyou, what did you just say?"

It turned out that Xia Youyou's voice was too small just now, and Miao Anjun, who was concentrating on the information, did not hear clearly.

"I said, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Xia Youyou rolled her eyes, and was so shy and embarrassed that she disappeared.

"Good." Miao Anjun nodded without hesitation.

The task is complete, please choose the host-stay or leave 0237 sound in his ears.

Miao Anjun glanced at Xia Youyou, who was smiling like a flower, then closed his eyes and chose to leave.

In the next second, he appeared in the system space.

mission completed. 1000 points will be awarded once the task is completed in the settlement. The second task is completed and 5000 points will be awarded. After deducting the 500 points exchanged for "Huang Liang Yi Meng", the remaining 5500 points.

"0237, what will happen after I leave?" The reward for completing the task is very generous, but Miao Anjun's attention is completely absent.

Ding! The world will follow the general direction left by the host.

"Really." Miao Anjun closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa that appeared out of nowhere.

During the mission, Miao Anjun was very depressed because of Lin Haoyan's death because of him. If it hadn't been for the advancement of points to exchange for the so-called "Huang Liang Yi Meng", he would probably not be able to complete the mission in this world.

"Huangliang Yimeng" is a kind of wine, a system exclusive wine. After drinking it, all the emotions generated during the mission in the mission world will be like a dream, and the dream will wake up without a trace. This wine is very popular among actors, but it requires a lot of points.

Even though there are still those memories, there is no more feeling back then. Miao Anjun drank a glass of Huangliang Wine, which eliminated all feelings for Lin Haoyan. There is just a trace of obsession.

After Lin Haoyan asked himself to take care of Xia Youyou before he died (not!), Miao Anjun now really eliminated the impact of the mission world.

But is it really eliminated?

The host completes a world mission and has a three-day rest period according to regulations. Please choose-rest or continue the task.

"Continue the mission." For some reason, there seemed to be a voice in Miao Anjun's heart urging him to enter the next mission world quickly.

Ding! The host chooses to continue the mission, is about to enter the little wife of the domineering president of the world, countdown five, four, three, two, one, and enter the little wife of the domineering president of the world.


In a space similar to the system space where Miao Anjun is located, a man leaned on the sofa and sipped a glass of red wine and looked at the scene in front of him. The scene played was the scene of Miao Anjun leaving the system space for the next task. The man stood up, showing a familiar and unfamiliar face.

The man was exactly the same as Lin Hao, but he was more mature, probably in his twenties.

Seeing the boy disappear into the system space, the man showed a sure smile and disappeared.

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