The first, a wide-eyed girl with short pink hair, caught your attention "There's someone here!" She calls to the second, a calm and composed boy with dark black hair. She hurries over to your side and inquires about whether or not you were part of the crew, "Yes." you croak through unused vocal cords. Fighting the urge to be honest with the two strangers. You yourself were not sure of what you are.

She looks at you with slight disbelief, shaking her head, "You're the strangest crew member I've ever met. Even your uniform's a little odd." Though despite her caution she decides to guide you to safety. 

"I'm March 7th, and this stone wall right here is Dan Heng!" She gives you a warm smile, in contrast with the magenta woman's smirk, this feels genuine. 

"March 7th?" You question, something about it seemed like more of a sequence of time than a name. As your recollection began to surface, you remembered the standard calendar system and its affiliation to the girl's name. 

"Like the month." The boy chimes in. His lack of interaction with you leaves you a bit perplexed, but you supposed he just didn't enjoy your company, or anyone's for that matter.

"I'm Y/N." You introduce, not sure how you gathered such recollection of identity, but deciding to stick by it as it seemed right. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N." 

The three of you begin walking around the large compound, walls made of strong steel and hard metals, lined with bright iridescent lights that wrapped around the walls in strips along the floor. The cold, unfeeling metal was accompanied by a soft potted plant by an automatic door. The plant had wide, dark green leaves, and a pearly shine. 

"Let's get going." You were taken from your thoughts by the boy, Dan Heng, who, as the pragmatist he seemed to be, was eager to continue without delay. 

It was in the next room that you came across another boy. This time with a tied-up bunch of cream-colored white hair. Slightly differing in the standard white, it had a soft glow to it.  He stared at the three of you for a moment before attempting to get to his feet. Stumbling, you and March 7th race to catch the stumbling boy before he slams face first into the ground. 

"My lady, is she alright?" He inquires, from this you sense the boy has a strong tie to obligation and duty. Dan Heng nods, asking if there's any way that the main elevator can be repaired. 

"More importantly, are you alright, Arlan? You look pretty beat up-" March 7th hovers worriedly. 

It had struck you just then that the strange wailing sirens in the background were indeed indicative of an emergency. You had suspected as much but drowned it out before paying heed to its warnings. 

"There is a way, you have to reroute the secondary power backup to the elevator. But-you should go without me." He states firmly.

"I don't wish to be a burden to you all." Despite his injuries he attempts to stand tall before you, gathering what little strength he has to put on a brave and noble front. "Lean on us. We'll help you." You state in response, his stern gaze softens slightly as you wrap his arm around your shoulder and lift him off his bad leg. 

With that you were off, finding the backup power system guarded by a strange creature you'd never seen before. It was an amalgamation of human-like limbs with a hard, dark, iron-like shell. Upon its arm a steel blade was attached, threateningly, it seemed to spot the group and began to charge forwards. 

"Leave it to me!" March put herself between the creature and yourself. With a playful grin she reveals a large bow and strikes the enemy with an array of frozen arrows. In much confusion you wonder where exactly she was hiding such a big weapon. It wasn't as if weapons could appear out of thin air-could they?

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