Vol 2: Chapter 4: Vacation on an Island

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"Katsuragi-san but, they were the ones-"

"I won't apologise to this guy, he physically pushed Kiyone. It could even be called sexual harrasment. Your underling here is the one who need to apologise" it seems she is really irritated by this Yahiko guy.

Maybe as a birthday gift for Chiaki in the future, Should I expel Yahiko?

I signalled Chiaki to keep quiet. I will handle the conversation from here.

"Katsuragi-kun, not only did he shove me, he humiliated us class C student, on the pretext that the school considered us as 'defectives'.

We both know that this thought process doesn't befit a class A student. I hope you don't further escalate this turmoil by demanding an apology from us "

"You defe-"

"Stop Yahiko. Don't you know she aced the entrance exam? Don't judge people just based on their class.

Now apologise, we will leave right after. You need to improve your mannerisms and way of communication"

Hmm it seems Katsuragi doesn't want to talk with me more than he needs to. After selling those midterm questions, he or rather all four of the leaders must have realised the trick behind buying old papers.

This made Katsuragi more wary towards me, while Honami simply complemented my crafty thinking.

I mean, I was the one who gave them clue indirectly. While selling those papers, I mentioned it costed me more than what I sold. Now a question will arise on from whom I bought it?

They must have clearly asked the teachers. But I know the price of buying the whole question paper from the staff members costs like 300,000 points, which doesn't add up on how I will make a profit.

There are two cases, either I spent that much in order to confuse them while I didn't really get any profit.

Or I bought it in a different way, or from someone different.

The first option can't be really checked by any means. So keeping that aside, they will think about the second option.

Then who would sell me the questions for a cheaper price? Who would even have those questions in the first place?

Just thinking about it for a while will lead you to the only logical conclusion ... From a senpai.

Connecting the remaining dots of clues, they will figure out on how I made a profit. This is just me flexing on my abilities. Also to observe how each of the leaders will react to this.

As I suspected, This made Katsuragi very wary of me. Now let's some spice to it.

"Wh- Fine, I am sorry" that defect didn't even look at us.

Chiaki was still satisfied that she made him apologise. It seems some of my sadism rubbed on Chiaki. Am I bad influence to her?

Nah ... Is there anything wrong with being satisfied of seeing a defective garbage like him suffering? I don't think so.

"Good then, I won't force you to apologise. We will take our leave"

"Wait a min Katsuragi-kun" I stopped him.

"Do you need anything from me? I am busy right now"

The ship changed its course, we started to circle around the Island. I very well know that he wants to observe the Island due to that clue.

"I know why you are in such an hurry. I noticed you noticing that little clue of significant scenary Katsuragi-kun" His eyes widened.

There were many people surrounding this commotion right now. There were students from all class four classes. Good.

OP Kiyone COTETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang