chapter 14:problems

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Marks pov
I wake up on the couch with jay on top of me I look at the tv and see that its on the cull of duty main menu I move jay to my side slowly so I dont wake him I go up to my room I go past alexs room I see that he is sleeping at his desk I go into his room and I see cps stuff and numbers all over his desk plus job sites  "I will talk to him later about that" I thought to myself I pick up alex and I lay him in bed he moves in a ball I leave his room and I go to mine I go take a shower. When I get out I decided to text maddy to see how long alex has been feeling this way

MARK: Hey sis

SIS: Hey whats up?

MARK: Its about Alex

SIS: Whats wrong is he hurt?

MARK: No he is fine

SIS: Oh then what is it?

MARK: Has he told you about anything like how he is feeling or about getting a job or about cps?

SIS: No sorry Mark

MARK: Or about his parents?

SIS: No sorry again he doesn't really talk about himself that much

MARK: Thanks for your help Maddy talk to you later

MADDY: No problem I might hang out later dont know yet

MARK: Okay

"well that does not help I will just talk to him when he wakes up" I said to myself  "talk to who?" jay askes coming into the room "alex" I said "why?" he askes "because im worried about him" I said "is he alright?" he askes "I dont know but you know alex he does not like talking about his feelings" I said "yeah let me talk to him first he might open up to me" he said "yeah but if that does not work let me try I do know more stuff than you do" I said "okay" he said he grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss with passion he goes down to my neck and starts kissing it "mhm your horny this morning" I said "its your fault for being so fucking hot" he said with a smirk "we cant alex and jack is home" I said he just looks at me with begging eyes "come on please" he begs "no we made a deal with alex remeber no fucking when people are over unless its a party" I said "please~" he begs again "no~" I said walking out of the room "please baby" he said following me "no darling" I said "please what?" alex askes "your brother is being a horny fuck" I said "jay you know the rules" alex said "I know but cant you guys go somewhere for the day?" jay begged I turn around and I kiss jay passionatelly I push him up to the wall I bite his lip before slipping my tounge in his mouth we fight for domanice we stay like that for a while I soon pull away "did that satisfied your hornyiness?" I asked "a  little bit" he said "not what I wanted to see this early in the morning" alex said "sorry I forgot you was there" I said "its fine" alex said "who want breakfast?" I said "oo I am" jay said "im alright" alex said "alright" I said I go down to the kitchen I start making walffles jay rests his chin on my shoulder he kisses my neck "I love you" he said "I love you too" I said I move him in frount of me I lean down to his ear "we can fuck later~" I whisper he feel him jolt a little bit he just smiles "okay~" he whispers back I lean down and kiss him again I go back to making the walffles. I take the food out to the living room where alex is sitting I see that alex is daydreaming "hey alex whats on your mind?" I asked bringing him out of his mind "huh what?" he askes "I asked whats on your mind" I said "oh nothing just thinking" he said with a soft smile I look at jay who is already done with his food "damn you must have been hungry" I said "I was I had not eaten since yesterday morning" jay said "alright" I said I look back to alex it looks like he is about to cry "alex you alright?" I asked "y--yeah im fine" his voice breaking he tries to blink them away but I see that he cant he gets up and goes to his room he cracks the door a little bit I look at jay I tilt my head a little bit "go help our brother" he said I get up and I go up to alexs room. I hear him crying softly through the door I open it and I go to alex I just hug him "shh its alright" I said "can you tell me what wrong?" I asked "m--mark---I---cant---do--this---anymore" he says in between his sobs "cant do what?" I asked "I need help please" he begs "I will help but tell me what I can help you with?" I asked "is it cps and dcf or family or a job?" I asked "its not that its---" he stops I get what he means "its you right?" I asked he just nods I have never seen alex like this before I hold him tighter "I cant do this mark not again" he said panicking "its alright im here" I said "so am I" jay said going onto the other side of alex "im sorry for being a shit of a brother" alex says "alex your not a shit brother" jay said "yes I am" alex said "no your not you took cared of me when mom and dad died you were my parent" jay said "im sorry for not telling you guys I feel this way" alex says starting to cry again I look at him "shh its okay alex no one is perfect" I said "I need you to answer a question for me okay?" I asked "alright" alex said "have you been hurting yourself?" I asked "no" he said "good" I said me and jay hug him tighter he just crys into my chest and I let him he soon falls alseep so me and jay just lay there and fall asleep too.

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