Chapter 2: dating

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Marks pov
I wake up to the sound of someone crying and I look down to see that it is jay "jay you okay?" I ask no answer I look down seeing he is still asleep "im so sorry" jay says in between his sobs "jay wake up!" I shout quitly not to wake my father up but loud enough for jay to hear "jay?" I say shaking him he wakes up "you okay jay?" I ask "y--yeah" he says with a shakey voice I pull him in to a hug "want to talk about it?" I ask him "no" he says "okay" I say back. "Hey mark what time is it?" he askes "its uh 9:00am" I say "im hungry" he says looking at me "okay come on" I say leaving the room. I start cooking eggs "do you want chesse on your eggs?" I ask jay "yeah wait what was that?" he askes me "shit go hide now!" I say "mark what the hell are you doing I told you to get out and dont come back!" my father yells at me "im sorry it was cold and i--i--i thought you would not be home" I say with a shakey voice. "Yeah well I am and who the hell where you talking to!?" he yells "no one just myself" I say "stop fucking lying to me!!" he says before I could say anything he punches me. "Fuck you dad!!" I shout "want me to hit you again?" he askes me "do it prick I got nothing to lose bitch!" I shout he grabs a glass and hits me with hit "thats all you got?" I ask "your getting weak!" I say laughing "fuck you im leaving" he says "good see you prick" I said he hits me again and I fall to the ground "now who is weak?" he askes and spits in my face all I see is him walking out the door and then it all goes black.

jays pov
I hear the front door slam so I run out of marks room and I see mark blacked out on the floor "mark wake up!" I shout I shake him he winces at me yelling and he wakes up I help sit him up on the floor. "mhm hey jay" he says with a raspy voice "your bleeding" I say rubbing my finger on his head he hits my hand away "im fine" he says getting up I help him walk to the bathroom "sorry you had to see that and hear it" he says looking in the mirror "you lied" I said "about what?" he askes facing me "you said it was your mom not your dad" I said "no I didn't its both of them" he says I grab his hand and he flinches "sorry" I say looking away "its okay not your fault its just life" he says "I think the eggs are burning" I said and he runs out and puts the eggs outside "shit sorry maybe we can just go get something to eat" he says "okay" I say looking away "hey whats wrong?" he askes "it is my fault if I never got into a fight with william you would not have to come home and get in trouble" I say trying not to cry "hey its not your fault I would have gotten hit anyways" he says pulling me in for a hug I start to cry. "hey its okay dont cry" he says running his hand through my hair. "what are we?" I ask "anything you want us to be" he says "can we be boyfriends?" I ask "yeah" he says my phone starts ringing "hello?" I ask "hey is this alex's brother?" a man askes "yeah whats up?" I ask "can you come get him he is drunk and I mean he is really drunk and he is starting drama with people come get him please its at ****" the guy says "sure" I say "hey can you drive me to pick up alex he is drunk" I ask mark "yep lets go".

marks pov
we get to the place to pick up alex "want me to come with?" I ask jay "sure lets go" he says we both get out of the truck and I stay close behind jay because I know how people are when they get drunk. "hey alex lets go buddy" jay says "here let me help" I say picking up alex and taking him to the truck and I put him in the back seat "hey jay~" a girl slurs "hey mandy" he says the girl leans on him "come on lets go" I say to jay he tries to move but the mandy grabs his wrist "no dont go~" she slurs "let go please" he says "no~" she chuckles and then she kisses him "he said let go" I say pushing her off of him and he gets in the truck and I drive to his house I pick up alex and I set him on the couch. Jay gets a trash can and puts it next to alex and we go to jay's room "so what do you want to watch?" he askes me I just sit in silnce "im sorry I did not know she will do that" he says I look at him I get closer "its okay" I said he puts his hand on mine I lean in and I kiss him. He pulls back "sorry I did not mean too" I say panicking its "its okay I liked it" he says I lean in and I kiss him again this time it get more heated I bite his bottom lip to ask for entry he opens his mouth I slip my tounge letting it explore this new area. "mhm mark~" he moans I go down to his neck I start kissing it till I leave a hickey I find his soft spot he moans loudly we hear a crash down stairs we pull apart from each other "what was that?" I ask "alex!" he says running down stairs.

jays pov
I run down stairs and I see glass on the floor and alex bleeding "shit what did you do?" I ask alex "I dont know" he slurs "mark can you take him to his room while I clean this up?" I ask "yeah" he says grabbing alex and taking him to his room. I clean up all the glass and I sit on the couch and I curl into a ball and mark sits next to me "you okay?" he askes "yeah im fine" I say with a sigh "come here" he says and I lay my head on his lap. "I love you" I mubble before I fall asleep. "What the fuck" I hear a voice say I open my eyes seeing its alex and I look up seeing that mark is still asleep "Its not what it looks like me and him where watching a moive last night and I guess we both feel alseep" I say to alex "okay whatever bro" he says walking to the kitchen. "mark wake up" I say getting off of him "mhm what?" he askes "alex just walked in on us and I was laying on you" I say "what did he say?" he askes "nothing I lied to him but if he finds out I dont know what he will do" I say panicking and trying not to cry I look up at mark "hey its okay I dont think he will care he just wants you to be happy" he says "yeah your right" I say "yo guys come check this out!" alex shouts from the kitchen we both run in there "what?" me and mark both askes "look out there" alex says me and mark both looks out the window "holy shit is here are like twenty cops out there" mark says "who did they get?" I ask "I dont know lets go see" alex says we go outside and walk to one of the cops "hi uh whats going on here?" alex says "dont worry kids its just a dug dealer" the cops says. "But that does not envole twenty cops" mark says "yeah but he was also a killer" the cop says "lets go guys" alex says we get back to the house "damn school will be booming tomorrow" alex says getting a beer from the fridge "yeah" mark says getting a swig of beer from alex's beer bottle I leave the room and I head upstairs I go to my room and I layed in my bed and I just listene to music just thinking.

marks pov
Me and alex are just chilling till I relized that jay was gone "where did jay go?" I ask alex "I think he went to his room why do you care?" he askes "I was just wondering" I said "hey im going to go take a nap im super hangover" he says walking upstairs to his room when I hear the door close I go up to jay's room I open the door and I see that he is listenning to music with his eyes closed I go and I lay on top of him "hey" he says "hi" I say looking up at him "what are you doing?" he askes I just ignore him and I dig my face in his chest "whats wrong?" he askes me liftting my head up so im looking at him. He kisses me "better?" he askes "mhm" I say and I kiss him again this time more aggressively and I pull him closer to me "mhm mark wait" he says "I need to breath" he says "sorry" I said "its okay" he says kissing me again I go down to his kneck and I find his soft spot "mhm~" he moans quietly I hear alexs door open I get off of jay. "What?" he askes "shh alex is wake" I say "shit do you think he heard us?" he askes with a worried look "no you where quiet" I say making him blush I let out a little chuckle "I would have made you alot louder if I wanted too" I said he hides his face "shut up" he mumbles "what was that mr mumbles?" I say starting to tickle his sides and he starts laughing "mark stop" he says laughing even harder "what is the magic word?" I ask "please mark" he says "nope" I say smiling "fine I love you mark please stop!" he says trying to push me off of him. "hey ja-" I hear alex says "woah whats going on here?" he says I get off of jay "uh nothing" jay says " we should tell him" I wisper into his ear he nods his head "actually there is somthing going on" jay says "well spit it out" alex says "me and mark are dating" jay says "finally you guys told me" alex says "what do you mean finally?" jay askes "I kinda already knew" alex says "what how?" I ask "I saw you guys kiss in the moring" he says "just dont have sex when im home and do it in your own room and also nice hickey" alex says leaving the room jay hits me for giving him a hickey but he pulls me in for a kiss "lets go to sleep we have school in the morning" he says "alright" I say spooning him "I love you" he slurs "I love you too" I say kissing his shoulder and going to sleep.

HI the next chapter might be spicy or the next next chapter dont really know yet.
words: 1943

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