Chapter 3: bully

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Jays pov
"jay wake up we have to get ready for school" mark says "mhm noooo" I wined "yes or no kisses or hugs from me" he says "okay im up" I say and I grab my clothes from my closet and I strip down from everything but my boxers "oh jay" mark says walking closer to me wrapping me in a hug "i--im f--ine" I studer he kisses my shoudler "I will be downstairs waiting for you" he says kissing me on the lips this time. I put on a hoodie and Black jeans I go down stairs "finally we where going to be late" alex says "yeah sorry lets go" I said we get in alexs car I sit in the back seat and mark sits in the frount we get to school I let out a sigh "do I have to?" I ask "yes" they both say back "well im going to go hang out with zack see you guys at lunch" alex says. "I have to go to see you at lunch love you" mark says "love you too bye" I say back I head to my first class and I sit next to my friend buck. "Your so dead bro" he says "why?" I ask back "william ran into me asking if you where here yet and I said not yet and he said well tell him he is a dead man and I will get him at lunch." he says "fuck!" I said a little to loud "jay no cursing!" the teacher yelled at me "sorry mis" I say "so what did you do?" he askes me "well on two days ago me and mark where hanging out and william comes up to us and he hits me I punch back but he knockes me down and mark kinda made him pass out" I say "yeah your so dead bro good luck" he says I sit in class just thinking about me trying to avoid william at lunch maybe I should not go to lunch I thought to myself no I want to see mark shit I curs to myself the bell rings and im still just think. I run into someone getting me out of my hase "hey watch where your going!" the voice says I know that voice its william "oh its you I was going to wait till lunch but I guess now will do" he says I step back william punches me over and over again I lose it and I hit him his nose is all bloody he punches my ribs I hit the lockers "shit get the fuck off of me" I shout "no im going to make you not be able to breath or even walk when im done with you" he says he punches me I fall to the floor I spit of blood he starts kicking me I spit out more blood my vison gets blurry. "william stop!" I hear a voice says but I pass out I wake up in a bed with a curtian around me I get up still a little dizzy and I leave I relize its lunch so I go find mark. I see mark he is with alex at the table "holy shit what the hell happened?" zack askes alex and mark turn to face me "who did this!?" alex and mark both shouts "m---mark I--w--ant---t-o--g--o--h--o--m--e" I studder "okay lets go" mark says "here are the keys I have a test today so I cant skip with you guys" alex says.

marks pov
Me and jay gets to alexs car "so who did it?" I ask jay but he stays silent till we get home he goes to his room and I follow him. He goes to his bed and he starts crying "hey shhh its okay they cant hurt you anymore" I say rubbing circles on his back "i--it---was--will--iam" he says in between sobs "okay" I get out my phone and I text alex

MARK: Hey bro it was william that hurt jay you know what to do

ALEX: Yep on it we will do it after school.

MARK: Okay bro I will stay here with jay

ALEX: Okay bye


He puts his head on my chest "can you tell me what happened?" I ask "so I was walking to my next class and I ran into someone and it was william he said he was going to wait till lunch but since I ran into him he was going to do it now so he beat me up till I passed out he would have done worse but the teacher came" he said "okay" I said "you guys are going to beat him up after school aren't you?" he askes looking up at me "yeah" I said kissing his head "I love you" he said "I love you too" I said "your phone is going off" he said "who is it?" I ask "uh someone named maddy" he said handing me the phone "hey" maddy says "what do you want?" I ask "im just calling and saying that im coming to vist in one day" maddy says "and can I borrow money?" she askes "fuck no and have fun with dad" I said getting mad. "I will tell dad that you wont give me money" she says "you know what do it tell that motherfucker!" I shout punching the side of the bed "oh we both know what he will do when he finds out what you said about him" she says "I dont fucking care tell him bitch" I hang up and I throw my phone on the floor "fuck!!" I shout "calm down it will be okay" jay says "its not okay she will tell him and he will kill me himself" I say "he wont hurt you here" he says he kisses me "I need to clear my head" I said "I will come with" he says.

Jays pov
Me and mark walk down the road "you better?" I ask "yeah" he says "good" I said pulling him into a kiss which this one lasted ten muintes. "what do you want to do?" he askes "I dont know" I said "how about we go to the gas station and we buy snacks" he says "okay" he tries to kiss me but I run away "haha got to catch me first!" I yell "oh your on!" he says and he starts running. I trip "oh shit!" I say before falling "haha you okay?" he askes helping me up "yeah" I said he kisses me "I got you" he says with a smile "you cheated" I said poutting "oh well we are here" he says walking into the gas station I wonder off to the candy area and I grab a bag of gummy worms I go to find mark "hey what did you find?" he askes "gummy worms" I said with a smile "god your so cute" he says with a chuckle making me blush "shut up" I say turnning away I follow him around the store he gets a new pack of cigarette and a case of beer we pay and leave when we get back to my house we just sit on the coutch and watch tv and cuddle. The front door opens "yo mark you coming?" alex says grabbing his bat that he always keeps in the kitchen "yep you comin jay?" he askes "sure I want to watch" I say getting up from the coutch.

alexs pov
I grab mark and jay and we ride to williams house there are two other guys with us zack and mitch. "hey turn here" jay says pointing to the next road "its the last road on the left" jay says we get out "oh william!!!" mitch yells the front door opens he come out "what?" william says "lets play bitch!!" zack says "oh your on" william says zack and mitch hold william by his arms "okay alex he is ready for you" zack says I get out of the truck so does mark and jay sits on the roof of the truck "you messed with the wrong family bitch!!" I say hitting him with the bat in his ribs "who are you?" william askes "im jays brother" I say hitting him again in the same spot "you alex pass it here!" mark says "so we meet again did you not learn the lesson from last time?" mark askes and hits him on the other side of the ribs twice. "Alright my turn!" zack says mark goes hold williams head up and zack hits his face. Willaim spits out blood "i---m--s--o--r--r--y" william says "sorry is not good enough" I said mitch punches william out cold and he starts kicking him repeatly and we all join in "shit guys cops lets go!!" jay yells we allr un back to the truck and we take off to my house. "Holy shit that was awsome" I said grabbing beers for the four of us and a soda for jay "thanks bro" they all said.

Marks pov
We are all just haning out laughing talking about what he did to william "I dont think he will mess with you again" mitch says "yeah thanks guys" jay says "hey no problem where family thats what family do" zack says "yeah I wont let my brother get beat up and just sit and do nothing about it" alex says "and mark wont let you get hurt he is too protective of you" alex says with a laugh "shut the fuck up alex" I said throwing my empty beer can at him "yeah why did you become so protective of him?" zack and mitch both says I give alex a dirty glare "alex can tell you since he brought it up" I said looking at jay "jay can I?" alex askes "yeah you can" jay says "well mark is so protective of jay is because they are dating" alex says "omg wait really?" mitch askes "yep" me and jay both answer "I dont belive you" zack says "yeah prove it" mitch says "kiss on the lips" they both say I look at alex he shrugs then I look at jay "do it then" he wishpers into my ear I pull him close and I kiss him passionately "wooooooo" zack says "yeah lets go!!" mitch shouts me and jay pull apart. "If you hurt him your a dead man" alex says "I will never unless my anger gets out of control" I say "well me and mitch needs go home its getting late" zack says "alright bye guys" the three of us says. "Oh yeah maddy is coming to vist tomorrow" I said "oh shit" alex says "yeah" I said "hey if you ever need a place to stay if the time she is here we are always open" alex says "but didn't you get kicked out?" jay askes "yeah I did but my dad wants me home tomrrow till she leave which is a whole week" I say "well lets go to sleep going to be a long week for all of us" alex says "yeah goodnight" me and jay says heading up stairs to his room. "hey be careful for the whole week okay?" jay says "I will" I said kissing him "and call me or text if anything goes wrong like your dad is hurting you got it?" he askes "yeah got it" I said and we both fall asleep.

Sorry for not putting smut in this chapter maybe in the next next one but I promise it will be in this story.

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