What Could Go Wrong?

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The moon shins on a beach as the waves move up and down it, pushing and pulling things off and on the beach, an unconscious Y/N gets pushed up onshore with no bag no Blake, No Ellie, or Joel. Alone cold and out cold. 'with us all equipped what could go wrong?' those optimistic words would come to bight Y/N in the ass, as not long after saying that the four of them start getting shot at by the turret-mounted humvee. Bullet flying from. The barrels Y/N and the others evade them as best as they can but one of their luck had to run out as all of them are running up a metal staircase Joel yells as he runs. "it can shoot us up here!" Y/N quickly comments back as he looks at the turret's barrels start tilting up. "YA, THEY CAN GO! GO! GO!"

Bullets start smashing against the wall sending bricks flying, the stairs start shaking due to wear and tar as one of the bullets hits the stairs. A rusty spot creaks free splitting Y/N up from the rest. "GO! KEEP RUNNING!" they keep running despite Blake and Ellie wanting to help, Y/N feels the stairs falling and jumps in time to grab the last step. Quickly pulling himself up he feels the stars breaking under his feet and bucks it. Ellie turns around and looks at Y/N "RUN Y/N hurry!" Ellie quickly gets pulled into an open window by Joel as several bullets impact where she was standing. Joel pokes his head out quickly and pops a few shots to keep the turret off of Y/N as he runs up the collapsing stairs. Unfortunately for Y/N, the stairs break free dropping into a free fall. He a few steps only for them to snap apart, the last stair he grabs holds his weight as he climbs up the stairs and breaks free again. It swings Y/N into the wall making him lose his grip. "Y/N!" Joel watches Y/N fall but his bag catches the stairs making him swing back at the wall but instead of hitting the wall, the bag swings him into a window smashing it. Joel watches as bullets rip Y/N's bag to shreds, this time Ellie pulls Joel back.

Y/N lies on the floor with broken glass all around him. He grunts in pain as he pushes himself up and grabs his left thigh in pain. He looks down and sees a shard of glass in his thigh. "oh... Crap... Okay... That hurts..." Looking around for his bag he sighs as it's nowhere in sight. Pushing himself up he looks at the broken window and limps over to it, to his dismay all that's left is the little strap Blake bights on too. "fuck..." Turning around he sits down and looks at his thigh. He rests his head on the wall and grabs his Beretta, checking the mag he annoyingly chuckles to himself. "four rounds... that's just great..." Holstering his Beretta he spots his fully loaded rifle a few feet away from the broken glass. "four in my Beretta... Three in my rifle and a shard of glass jabbed in my thigh... I've been in worse situations before."

"the gunner said that kid flow through one of the windows! You three check floors three to four, you and me will watch here and make sure he doesn't get past ya. let's get this fuckin' kid!" the muffled voice reaches Y/N making him huff in frustration. He quickly gets up and grabs the rifle. Looking at his thigh he looks at an old shelf and sees some old clothes. Slinging his rifle around his body he quickly waddles to the shelf and grabs an old tee shirt. He grabs the shard of glass and pulls it and, wrapping the shirt around the wound he makes it tight and ties it up. He grunts in pain as he hears footprints coming his way. "okay ass holes. Let's go."

Joel falls back and sees Ellie looking out the window but he sees Blake looking at the door. He turns his head and sees two black people at the door, one is holding a gun and is older and taller than the other who is smaller and around Ellie's age. Joel slowly stands up and gets in front of Ellie as Blake starts growling and gets in front of them. "calm your dog down, I don't want any trouble" Joel looks at the taller man and speaks. "unfortunately for you, her owner just smashed through a window. So I suggest you lower your gun before something bad happens to you or your son." the man razes his hand and puts his gun away. He points at himself and the boy behind him. "my name's Henry and this is my little brother Sam."

Ellie looks at Blake as she looks out the window, she starts whining as she looks at what's left of Y/N's bag. Ellie pets her head and looks at Joel. "will Y/N be okay?" Joel looks at Ellie and Blake. "he's a smart kid he'll be fine." Henry started talking about his plan with his group and how they could join him and Sam. Joel tells Henry and Sam to wait outside for them so they can talk. Ellie looks at Joel as Blake still looks at the bag strap. "we can't leave Y/N behind." Joel raised his hand stopping Ellie. "I know, but right now we're separated, and I have a good feeling Y/N trained Blake to give him hints on where she is." Ellie nods her head as Joel waves Blake to follow them, she whins as she slowly pushes herself off the window seal.

On the fourth floor, however, a scavenger falls face-first to the floor with blood squirting from his neck as Y/N stands above him leaning on his right leg more than his left. "I heard it come from over here!" hearing the muffled voice Y/N grunts in pain as he quickly gets behind a shelf. Two scavengers run into the bedroom. "fuck he got Arthur!" the man looks around the room. As Y/N quietly grabs his Beretta. "we know you're in here! Come out now!" as the scavenger gets close he spins his butterfly knife around and quickly stabs the scavenger in the thigh. Dropping to his knee Y/N executes him with a shot to the head followed by a quick shot to the heart for the second scavenger. Y/N makes a split-second design he grabs something off a scavenger and quickly limps to the next room.

The sound of feet running into the room makes Y/N look at the hand-made explosive in his hand. Looking around the doorframe he mentally thinks to himself 'Let's hope this works.' as he pulls what looks like to be a pene and underhand throws it into the room. "hey is that one of... PH SHI-" The explosive explodes sending guts, body parts, and blood everywhere. Y/N waits for a second then moves his hands from his ears and starts gagging as he sees the side of a scavenger's head on the floor with his eye looking right at Y/N. His stomach starts rumbling as he feels puke sliding up his throat.

Bending over puke slides from his mouth, taking a deep breath he wipes his mouth and glances at the half of a head on the ground. He kicks it into the room as he shacks his body. "sorry not sorry bud." limping to the stairs wasn't fun but going up is better than going down especially with more scavengers probably waiting for him. With an annoyed sigh, he slowly limps up the stairs. A few steps up he puts too much weight on his left leg, he grabs his thigh and quietly grunts, and painfully says "fuck me..." he looks at the rag now socked in his blood and sighs.

Sitting down on the stairs he undoes the knot and looks at his wound. Putting his thumbs on each side he slowly opens the stab wound. Breathing out in pain he looks to see how deep the wound is. "not as deep as I thought..." Letting the wound close he re-wraps the rag around his leg and grabs the handrest. Pulling himself up he breaths out and looks at the stairs going up. "huu... better than falling down an elevator shaft..." Y/N limps up the stairs as he thinks I wonder how Ellie, Blake, and Joel are doing right now?

Joel is currently behind cover taking fire, "Ellie stay down and wait for them to stop firing!" Ellie gives Joel a thumbs up, Joel just sighs and facepalms as Blake looks at him... Y/N shrugs as he goes as high as he can. "aaaaaaaaa I'm sure they're fine... Me on the other hand." Y/N leans forward. "I'm exhausted." breathing out his mouth he stands up and continues to walk.

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