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                             The next day

Meliodas POV:

Me and the sins are heading to king Arthur's kingdom.
They said that they encountered a big monster. From what they described it must have been a Albion...
When the sins arrive we find a massive monster. It is a Albion.
"I got this." I say as I swiftly eliminate the Albion.
Shocking everyone. "What was that?" Arthur ask.
"You can call it a demon it's something the 10 commandments used in the holy war. Compared to other demons these are weak if anything they are the lowest level of demons."
Everyone was shocked.

"They are the weakest but it did all this damage?!" Diane yelled. I nodded.

"Thank you then for eliminating the threat I am in great debt to you." Arthur said bowing.

"No pro-" I was cut off the the strong demonic energy I felt.

"Holy shit is that Meliodas?" A Tall demon says.

"SQEEEEEEK!!" I turn around and it's hawk. "This is impossible! H-his power is-" hawk wa cut off by galand swinging and the whole land was destroyed and flattened.

"Stop Galand." I hear a female voice say. As I know who this is. And she is stronger than galand. Derieri.

Derieri POV:

"I told you that he had a spell put in him by that goddess!" I told galand in a whisper.

"How would you be so sure?" He ask.

"The bitch did it when he was sleeping."
I said.
"If you were there why would she still do it?" He ask.
"I was in bed with him, duhh." I realized what I said but it was too late to take it back there was only a awkward silence.

"What do you mean by that? Huh?" He ask me. 

"Let's negotiate." I saw a female walk in front of meliodas and say. Is that Merlin?

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