Everyone rushed to put on their coats and Maggy and Kai hugged each other

James offered his coat to Aiden who obviously refused

Aiden 《I'm fine, thanks》

But he was actually too cold to refuse a coat

Aiden 《just because it's cold!!》
James 《don't be ashamed》

After putting it on, Aiden was overwhelmed by James's smell, which made him smile, along with something else

Aiden 《why does it smell like marijuana?》
James 《um because I smoke?》
Aiden 《it was to be expected, I hope you're not hiding something else here》
James 《nah, just a pack of condoms》
Aiden 《...》
James 《what? I thought you would prefer to use them when we'll do it》
Aiden 《Jesus Christ why do I have a sex maniac after me??》
James 《relax, I was joking. They are not for you, there are a lot of sluts here》

The teacher called everyone to gather under the hotel, repeating for the umpteenth time all the rules and behavior to be respected, and above all the various times and activities they will do.

Prof 《perfect, it seems like you all understand. Now I will tell you the person you will be in the room with, obviously males with males and females with females》

Rosa and Lake exchanged a happy look, James winked at Aiden who rolled his eyes, and Hunter Ally and Tess looked at each other with concern

Prof 《So:
Rosa with Lake and Maggy
Tess with Ally and Riya
Yul with Aiden
Hunter with James
And Oliver with Kai》

Nobody liked couples

After this they all went to the hotel reception to request the keys to their rooms

"Thanks god I'm not paired with James... maybe" Aiden thought to himself, but not too convinced

Before he could process it, Hunter approached him

Hunter 《hey dude, listen, I would like to stay in the room with... you know... my girls》
Aiden《um... ok》
Hunter 《here... I'll stay with them so Riya will have to change partners, she wanted to be with Yul who is with you...》
Aiden 《so I won't be with Yul, ok. I'm alone》
Hunter 《ninth fact that both you and my partner, James, are alone...》
Hunter 《we've already exchanged keys》
Aiden 《no no no no no no no no! PIECE OF SHIT WHYYYYY!!!》
Hunter 《im sorry》

James, who was next to them, waved to Aiden and made a kissing gesture with his lips

Aiden 《kill me. Now.》

After some incoherent arguments and moans, Aiden and James finally went to the room, even arguing about opening the door.

James entered first and what he saw shocked him. Aiden made his way into his arm and was equally shocked

There was a double bed

The boys went to the reception to see if they could have another room. But deep down they both liked the idea even if they would never admit it due to their pride.

They told him no so they went back to their room without complaining too much. They put their stuff away and showered for dinner down at the hotel

Everyone met at 8:30 in the hotel restaurant to have dinner. After which the teacher reminded them that they had a hard day to face the next day. Then he advised everyone to go to bed early and not do any kind of strange things in the night.

Aiden was trying to sleep it was almost one in the morning and James hadn't returned yet

Aiden 《where the fuck is that moron?? He really can't stand rules! Too bad for him if he is destroyed tomorrow!》

Silence fell again but was broken by the bedroom door opening. Sphere James who entered slowly and on tiptoe thinking that Aiden was already sleeping.

Aiden 《is this the time to go back to the room?!》

James He took a hit and then smiled

James 《yes dwarf, if you want to have a bit of a social and sexual life, staying at 1 in the morning is really the minimum》
Aiden 《if you say so》

James put on his pajamas hoping that Aiden would look at him but instead he turned away all red

He cone into bed with him, being careful not to touch him. They turned off the light and put their heads on the pillow but neither of them could sleep and they continued to toss and turn for half an hour.

James 《How come you can't sleep?》
Aiden 《your presence irritates me, it's your fault! ... you?》

Aiden lied to avoid telling the truth and try to avoid the topic but James understood it immediately

James 《I can't stand going to bed so early. I usually last until 3:00 am! I want a joint》
Aiden《I'll give you your sweatshirt back if you want》
James 《funny》

Silence fell again

James 《since we're both awake we could》
Aiden《NO!!! Since we're both awake we could talk about how annoying the graphics teacher is》
James《I was about to say the same thing》
Aiden《no, you were making mental movies, I know》

The two boys continued to talk about the teacher until they both fell asleep, around 2.15 am

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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