17. Lean On

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"Hello?" I answered the incoming call, the sound of the ringer going through my entire car as the phone was connected to it via Bluetooth.

"Don't you dare lie to me!" Jacksons angry voice came through the loud speakers, it sounding even more aggressive then normal.

My eyebrows shot up, slightly surprised at his voice, what the hell?

"Hello to you too Jackass," I answered aloud, continuing driving.

What the hell has he figured out?

"What is going on with McCall, don't lie! I know there's something happening to him! Ever since we came back to school he's been acting strange and you've been in on it! He just attacked Danny during practice, yelling at Stilinksi about him smelling like you or something, and I'm pretty sure he just made out with Lydia! Now what the hell is happening to him Imelda!" He yells down the phone, I hear him fumbling and things being thrown so he must be really pissed.

"I... ugh..." I begin mumbling, trying to find a way to stall him when my phone begins ringing again. It announcing that there's another call trying to get through and when I look at the name it reads Stiles," listen... I can't explain right now but I will. I promise I will... I just need to some time! I will tell you! I need to go Jackson!"

"Don't you dare-" he's not able to finish since I switch calls and end his.

"Stiles," I say, sighing," you don't know happy I am to hear your voice."

"Imelda," Stiles voice comes through dead of any emotion which worries me," Scott just attacked Danny. He attacked Danny and then yelled out that it was because he had touched you... and... and he kissed Lydia."

"I was hoping you wouldn't find out until I could tell you..." I mumbled to him," I'm sorry."

"Wait..." he answers," you knew?"

I sigh," yes. I walked into it. They didn't know I was there but I did see."

"I'm gonna get him back for it," he says extremely upset.

"No Stiles we are going to help him tonight and then tomorrow when he feels better he will be sorry about. I will deal with Lydia don't you worry. I have a question though, why did he attack Danny because of me?" I mumble, genuinely curious.

"Because he thought Danny had hurt you. Didn't Derek says something about werewolves wanting to protect you fiercely? Maybe that's heightened as well during this time," he concludes.

"Perfect. A psychotic, heartbroken werewolf wants to be my extreme bodyguard," I mumble," Have you found the chains"

"Yeah, I did but I doubt he will go for it the way he's been acting so I have a little surprise for him," he says, I can hear that this will amuse him.

I nod," alright. I'll meet you at Scott's later then, for now I'm going to deal with a couple of things."

He quickly agrees and says goodbye.

Once again I tried to have a peaceful time, trying to get away from the hell that has become my life when I was given yet another thing to worry about. Honestly, now my craving for fries has slightly lessened.

With that being said, I pulled into the nearest Sonic drive thru because I still wanted my fries and a slushy.


I was planning on going and possibly screaming my lungs out at Lydia but seeing as how she was still in school I would just have to wait. So I drove around for awhile, letting my mind wander as Beacon Hills passed by, eventually the scenery got boring. I had scene the same abandoned buildings filled with nothing but dust one too many times. I have no clue why but it gave me a sense of irritation so strong it took awhile for me to calm down and stop the rage from controlling. I knew one place, that place that wouldn't make me feel this way. Maybe it was because I craved one place, or maybe it was just me finally realizing the Derek might actually be dead regardless of the fact that Dom's shirt was left inside my house but I chose to drive out into the preserve, towards the remains of the Hale House.

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