Miracles still happen

Comenzar desde el principio

"The pleasure is on my side, Master Jedi." you answer.

"Then shall we begin with the negotiations?" Bo interrupts the greeting.

All of you sat down at a provisional table.

"What is the Republic gaining from all this?" you start of.

"To be honest it was the wish of our Jedi council to talk to Nathema."

"Oh, and why is that?"

You could already hear Bo's comment to your question. 'Maybe because you killed a Padawan, a Master and annihilated their Destroyers? ' you read off her face.

"A Master of ours went missing in the unknown regions. The last time we spoke he said he was about to go to a planet called Nathema and after that we never heard of him, his Padawan or his ships ever again." Obi-Wan explained.

"I'm sorry to have to disappoint you Master Jedi. Unfortunately, none of your kind has reached our territory and we didn't hear of any Destroyers near our planet. Our scanners did show a lot of separatist activities lately, maybe they were caught by one of them."

"But then he surely would've contacted us. Neither Master Ima-Gun Di nor anyone under his command send a signal." Anakin jumped in.

Obi-Wan quickly placed a hand on his shoulder and restrained Anakin.

"Please excuse his behaviour, he is still a little too emotional."

"It is quite alright, after all emotions are what make us human, aren't they?" you say looking Anakin deep into his eyes.

"I think we should come back to the reason why all of us are here today." Bo interrupted.

"Indeed, we should." you agree, "On what conditions can Nathema join the Republic and what benefits are in for us."

"Since the clone wars have broken out on Geonosis the republic is looking for allies all around the galaxy. So, for now, the only condition is that you aid republic systems in times of need." Obi-Wan explains.

"As you might know Nathema has no democratic government, wouldn't that be a problem?" you ask firmly.

"Under normal circumstances you would be absolutely right but unfortunately these are difficult times and because of that the Republic needs all the help it can get."

"Under those circumstances-"

You were cut off before you could end your sentence, by one of your men pulling you backwards avoiding a blaster shot. You throw your guard a deadly glare after getting up, telling him that you already knew. The remaining three shielded you from the direction the shot came from, while the jedi activated their blue blades. Bugged by the overprotective behaviour of your guardians you knock the dust of your shoulder and get up.

"Give me my sword." you ordered the guard handling you the blade of beskar.

For the moment you chose to hide the fact that you are a Sith so there wouldn't be any more trouble for now. Anakin then turned to face you angrily.

"Explain yourself!" he yelled grabbing your robe.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Jedi." you say clueless.

"You planned this all along. The message from you telling us to come here to arrange the entry of Nathema into the Republic. Now we are getting shot at by a sniper. Coincidence? I don't think so." Anakin pointed out.

"According to my information it was your precious Republic that reached out to Nathema." you answered.

Anakin's gaze was filled with anger, and you could see through his eyes that there was more to his raging emotions.

"Anakin restrain yourself." Obi-Wan warned him, "The clones detected droid activity coming from the direction of the shot. It was a trap of the Separatists."

The young jedi let go of your robe and apologized before disappearing behind some clone troopers.

"We will leave. This is not our battle to fight." you inform Bo and your men.

Each of you goes to their ships to leave Jakku but unfortunately, they were blown up.

"Generals, we cannot reach the Admiral, our communications are cut off and there is at least a battalion of droids coming our way." the blue clone trooper informed them.

All eyes went up the hill the first shot came from, which is now overflowing with battle droids. Blaster shots are raining down and everyone tries to take cover. The jedi went to their troops while you, your men and Bo took cover behind a small rock.

"A trap from the CIS!" Bo exclaimed.

"That would be too easy of an explanation." you start thinking, "Someone else is pulling the strings here. I admit it was my thought at first too, but something feels off. A powerful figure was aiming to get rid of someone here and that figure made the mistake of pulling me into this. Someone is behind all this, and it is neither the CIS nor the Republic but first we need to find out who in the Jin clan is a mole."

"First we need to survive this." Bo pointed to the jedi getting pressed back and even though you hated it you knew that they were your only way out of this.

"Listen men! We will support the republic troops in pushing back the enemy. The five of you shoot while I cover you. We make our way to them and blast these droids back the way they came." you order.

"Yes Lord (S/N)!" they all say, ready for action.

"A Sith fighting alongside Jedi. I guess miracles still happen these days around." Bo laughed.

You only give her an annoyed look and all of you start moving.  

The crimson child -Male Sith Reader-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora