Dhruv : 8

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Earlier around 4 pm

Just one date, she said. Alright, I will give her one date then she will be on her way. I was contemplating whether to get papers signed by her when meeting today so that she will not bother me after this.

No sooner did I pick up my bike keys than my phone rang.

Coming to keys, Our little episode on the road flashed with her slickly stealing away my keys and running off dramatically in her flashy car.


Usually, I have a spare key on me. But that day I had a bit of bad luck since Silver crossed my path, I had to walk all the way home with my bike in tow.  Just in retaliation wanted to ditch this date. But had second thoughts, I did destroy her diary. She gotta take some revenge of her kind

I glanced at where my mobile was kept on the shoe rack.

Incoming call from


The name sounds familiar. 

I debated on answering then picked it up grudgingly


"Ummm...I thoug-ht yo-u won't pick up . .um.. s-or-ry to disturb yo-u I do-n't know wh-oo to call and I am sorry if -

"Do I know you? I have your number saved but I can't recall who you are" I said Rose waved at me to get my attention.

I actioned with my hand 'what'

"Dad said hand him this file on your way"

"What file?"

The girl on the phone said something I couldn't hear

"How will I know I am just a child" Rose made a face scolding me.

I grinned messing her hair she screamed punching my leg.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked turning around to hear properly

"Ummm .. neverm-ind it's o-kay I am h-ardly any memorable"

"Wait -" I pressed my nose bridge. Going through her messages on my phone, "You are Silver's step-sister. what happened?"

"N-o-thing" she sounded hesitant

"Is there a problem?" I asked getting out. The weather was windy

"I- a-m caught up in a situation can you come here at this place if you are fr-ee I do-n't want to cause any trouble" 

I eyed the clock. 4: 15 pm

"It's al-rig-ht if you ca-n't" she sounded tensed and really scared she needed help, Silver could manage waiting for some time "Where are you?" I asked starting my bike


"Here" I handed her the bottle of water. she took it with shaky hands. She was in a dress that wasn't her size, a pink skirt and a black jacket. She was a jittery mess looking around anxiously.

"Are you okay?" I asked sitting beside her on the bench of a park that was nearest to the Daze club.

"I- a-m n-o-t, I just want-ed to be like them they made me dress like this then made a fool of me- I-I don't know why I beli-eve them when they were n-ever good to me" She covered her face with her palms crying.

Basically, her class girls invited her to hang out and then they locked her in the club's restroom.

Typical girls

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