Silver : 6

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Armaan Oberio

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Armaan Oberio

Silver's POV

I gathered my things from my room. My neon green Polaroid, my green Diary then my green feather gold pen, all in my green Gucci bag. People thought my favorite color was Silver cuz I chose it more often but people didn't know me they only believed what they saw. What I wanted them to see.

I feel safe, that's what the color green symbolizes for me.

Green scarf.

My mother with a green scarf wrapped around her neck with a tender smile on her face as if comforting me right through the photo placed on the nightstand. I should feel hatred and anger but what I felt was the sense of comfort when I saw her face.

I hurried downstairs to where my friends were waiting for me in the sitting room

Tashfee was engrossed in a book about some animals, I bet.

Whereas Armaan was busy tormenting Sana aka my poor step-sister.

His second hobby after swimming.

Sana's head down staring at her shoes, fiddling with her fingers while Armaan was speaking something to her in a low voice that made her squirm in fright.

He studied at her school and I kinda met him through Sana, something happened at school she fainted or whatever he came to drop her off. We clicked instantly from there.

I frowned internally but put on a smile seeing him "It's been a long time Armaan I see you still prefer my sister's company over mine"

Armaan turned around with a crooked grin making the dimple on his right cheek appear. With curly hair and that charming face, he broke hearts left and right.

He walked over to me in quick steps and hugged me burying his face in my hair. "Oh Silver I will choose you over the world"

I laughed pushing him off seeing Sana leaving with a longing expression through the corner of my eyes "Stop it we all know what a smooth talker you are"

"But an honest one" he added with a knowing look.

I avoided it, we kinda dated before but it didn't work out basically for me I can never see him as anything but a friend.

"Shut up! How was your trip!"

He went on a trip to Italy for vacation. He obviously asked me to accompany him but my father refused and yeah....he didn't like Armaan much after....he caught us ...

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