Silver : 4

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Sana Singhania

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Sana Singhania

Silver's POV

"yeah great going just like that leech off my Dad's money" I gave a slow clap on seeing many shopping bags in the living room.

Divya aka my stepmother; but I don't even consider her a stepmother she was nowhere near to being called my mother.
Never had one before, still won't let anyone take that place.

She gave out a tired sigh, "Silver please I don't have much patience for your antics"

Sana shot me a nervous glance holding the shoe box which she instantly closed the lid on, when my eyes fell on them.

Pink pumps heels. Just like mine

I marched to her and yanked the box out of her grasp opening the box. I snarled waving one in front of her face, "it would take more than a shoe to become like me and I feel such pity for them to carry you"
Sana flushed embarrassedly, she stuttered, 'I like them...w-ee ca-n liike the same-e things"

The damn stutter.

"No, w-e can't like the same thing" I acted like her.

She was so pathetic.

Such an act she very well knows; she only likes things that I like. And pathetically enough she gets them too.

"Silver, enough I won't tolerate you bullying my daughter right in front -

"I am bullying?" I laughed in disbelief. "Okay, I am bullying then what is this -" I moved my hand at their extravagant purchase shoes, dresses they can very well have bought the entire mall, "mooching off?"

"Why are you like this?" Disha got up walking to me where I stood. Her brown eyes flamed with disapproval and...sympathy.

I glared at her, she has a misconception; she could act as if she understands me to get me to soften up and start liking them inclining me on their mercy.

My mom left the moment I was born. She was a famous model; called Silver in her time cause her beauty was radiant and charming like Silver.
Yeah so lame I know
My Dad was so heartbroken that emotionally he also left me. Tragedy continued when I have to look exact replica of my mother, the reason I was named Silver by default by my aunts who liked me no less. Dad married his PA Divya when I was ten who was a divorcee with a daughter of my age hence Sana came into and destroyed the picture. So not only I was getting a stepmother never asked one but also a sister who was so pathetic and dumb. Rush my brother actually half-brother was their son. The only person I love so much in my life.

"We can live peacefully under the same roof but you choose to be so spiteful always," Divya said like the ill feelings were one sided

I stood straight I was taller than her, "did you bring something for me? From your shopping spree?"

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